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Withyou - Women safety app

An App that can send current location of the user to her trusted list of contacts when in danger with just one tap via SMS. This project was a created on Google DSC WoW Hackathon'21

Checkout the app release and report issues you find!

An app dedicated towards woman safety. Keeping in view about the increasing cases of threats on women. Currently this app is compatible with Android only.

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It's a hackathon project. This app may not have a very beautiful UI but I gave it my best shot. I gave flutter a try for the first time and it was a great experience. I learned a lot of new things and I am really happy with the result. (PS- I am a React Native developer to the core. I was just curious to try flutter.)

Flowchart - App working

Here's the Flowchart made in Excalidaw to show how this app works!


Sign in screen

Home screen

Trusted contacts screen

Drawer & Settings screen

Development Plans

  • Current Release v1.1.0 is all ready to use (SOS featue works fine). It has a new polished UI and added major improvements in User Experience.

  • Release v2.0.0 will bring on improvements and add Articles screen and Video Library screens (to be implemented). (see Projects tab)

  • Contributions via PRs are appreciated

Project Explanation

We have created an app which includes the following

  1. Homescreen

    • has navigations to other two screens.
    • has our main SOS feature (sending location sms to added trusted contacts)
  2. (Pending) Youtube video fetching screen ( fetches self defence and safety awareness videos using YouTube Data API v3)

  3. (Pending) Make screen/s showing all about IPC 1860 for women. It would like an awareness documentation stuff.