This is a Lighthouse Labs midterm project, built with Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, and jQuery. Book Orbit is a resource database for bookmarking your resources and organizing them by tag.
- Create a new library by appending "/libraryname" to end of url. Example:
- Add bookmarks by url and add optional collection (tag) names to the bookmark.
- Nokogiri: Bookmarks are automatically scraped for the title, description and keywords for display.
- Collections are automatically generated if they previously did not exist when added to a bookmark.
- Collections are automatically deleted if they are empty.
- A new bookmark with no collection names is automatically added to the "uncategorized" collection.
- Delete bookmarks from your library.
- Edit a bookmark's collections after they have been added.
- Searching bookmarks will return results that matched in the url, title, description and tag names.