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asvae edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 8 revisions

Left side

Left side


It searches through all lists in app, be it routes, requests or history. Search takes a look in route, controller, request, and method name. It's case insensitive.

Routes list

Surely the main thing in app. Displays every unfiltered route in your application. It also hightlights "bad" routes who miss method or controller. By clicking on method name (like [GET]) you can instantly send request, clicking on name makes route available for editing. If request you're working with has an appropriate route — it will be highlighted in the routes list.

Requests list

You can save routes and no wonder they require a place to reside. In this list you can, similarly to routes list, send requests, set request for editing and also delete requests.


History just saves all your sent requests. You can clear it to prevent overflow.

Right side

Right side

Action panel

Action panel

Here you can edit some of request's parameters, namely: method and route. You also have an assortment of buttons, which send, save and copy current request. If you worked with Postman, the panel might look familiar for you. That's because we stole design took inspiration from that piece of software.

Request editor

We have three subpanels here: Data, Headers. Data contains json editor. Headers block, sure enough, manages headers.


And Info shows route related information, like middlewares and controller. It will also warn you if route is missing.

Response viewer

After you've sent request you may easily glance over response, presented, as well, in three panels: Data shows raw response, Headers are self-explanatory, and Preview displays result in either JSONViever or iframe, depending on response format.