This provides access to the Argon2 API in a safe and convenient wrapper. Note that it is a binding to the C-based argon2 library rather than a pure-Ada reimplementation.
package Hash is new Argon2Ada.Hasher
(Output_Len => 128, Pass_Len => 64);
-- Parameters here are arbitrary; don't blindly copy them!
Config :=
(Time_Cost => 1, Mem_Cost => 64, Lanes => 4,
Version => Argon2Ada.Version_13,
Alg_Type => ID,
Flags => Argon2Ada.Wipe_None);
Result := Config.Hash (Pass, Salt);
See for everything else.
$ gprbuild -P argon2ada
$ gprbuild -P tests
$ ./bin/tests
This isn't too complex a project, but I would love another pair of eyes on the
code. My Ada is rough and cryptography is hard. In the short term, I'm looking
to increase test coverage, in the medium term, proving type safety with SPARK is
on the agenda, and it may prove useful to potentially automatically generate
over the long term. If you want to help with any of that or
review the code that's already here, I would be very grateful.