This is my submission for the Developer Internship Challenge. I have made a Flask server that utilises TinyDB as the database.
Tested using Python 3.5.2
To install the requirements for the challenge, please execute the following command from the location of the file requirements.txt:
pip install -r "requirements.txt"
The documentation can be found in: (generated using Sphinx)
To run the server, run the following command from the location of the file
To see how to run the tests, run the following command from the tests directory:
python -h
Some examples of how the tests can be run from the tests directory are:
python --spec all
python --spec product
I have also included a Postman collection file that can be used to play around with the service.
The endpoints provided are:
User endpoints:-
- Sign up
- Sign in
Product endpoints:-
- Add product
- Get all products
- Get product
- Find products
- Delete product
Cart endpoints:-
- Add product to cart
- Remove product from cart
- Get a user's cart
- Complete a user's cart
Order endpoints:-
- Get order