Auto paging and form generation
Currently under heavy development Todo: documentation codewise and public
How to use in it's basic form
- Create a controller (e.g. Admin)
- In the controller create a function (e.g. Users)
- Create a standard 'users' table in mysql with an id, username, email etc.
- In the initialize function point the table to 'users'
Example code (basic):
class Admin extends CI_Controller
function users()
//load the libraries
$this->load->library('session'); //session for sorting and messages
$this->load->library('flame'); //the flame library
//$this->load->spark('flame/1.0.0'); //not ready yet
$flame = new Flame(); //instantiate a new flame
// Set some option you like (see the config for plenty more options)
$options = array(
'table' => 'users',
'fields' => 'id,email,username', //optional: default = all fields
// Initialize the flame with the options (will be merged with default from config file)
//Output straight away (if you pass TRUE it will return a rendered HTML block)
Now you can access the the url via (e.g.) http://localhost/ci_dev/admin/users (and the flame will pick it up from there) Also note: I used the standard markup from Twitter Bootstrap