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A lot of modern product companies these days are seeking for better forms of organization that allow creative engineers to unleash their potential. Hierarchical structures with strong authocracy and traditional management doesn't work effectvely in an agile environment, and many companies, such as Valve, Spotify, 37signals, Zappos and many others are employing flat, network structures, where managers don't control people, but rather drive building of information system (network) that anyone can contribute to.
POD Framework is an implementation of network structure, developed and adopted in Adform. You may find it somewhat similar to Holacracy. It defines organization as set of self-sufficient PODs (micro-organizations, internal startups) that might have their own CEO (POD Lead), CTO (POD Keeper), engineering teams, support, sales, etc. POD are tightly connected to each other - it's encouraged to have a lot of horizontal connections that allow for shareing expertise and resources. Composition of PODs builds a portfolio of the company.
Globus is a service that digitalizes some core concepts of POD Framework. It visualizes the organization as a network, shows, how PODs are connected to each other, allows for simple search and navigation, stores cards of employees and their roles, and many more.
Learning program assumes that participants have already had an extensieve experience and development, and know, how to learn. It's not supposed that mentors of the program will guide you through every aspect of the language or the ecosystem, but they will definitely provide you with guildelines, give relevant materials, do code-reviews and answer the questions.
The program/project will be split into iterations. Depending on the goal of the iteration, it will last 1-2 weeks. Every iteration starts with a kick-off by the mentor that includes overview of the scope, and description of the concepts and tools that will be employed. The team should self-organize, make estimations and split the work within iteration.
Learning program will cover the following topics:
- core conepts of Scala
- buding modular application and releasing with SBT
- making a server-side application with Scala and Akka
- making web-app with Play2
- deployment of Scala applications with Docker
- monitoring and trouble-shooting