qr-extension is a browser extension to generate a QR-code from the page address. There are to ways,how to create qr-code: Page action and context menu. Click on the page action means, that you want to create qr from page URL. If you do it using context menu, you can make qr from text/link/image.
To install and compile project successfully, you must be sure, that Node.js installed on your PC. Than make "qr-extension" branch, where you will on project on your PC.
After installing project, you must enter "npm i" in the terminal of your IDE where you develop project to install all required npm packages. Our project uses ESLint, which helps us to eliminate ignorant code, and we advise not to disable it.
Package | Version |
jquery | ^3.3.1 |
qr-encode | 0.3.0 |
qrcode | ^1.2.0 |
@atomspace/eslint | ~2.1.1 |
@atomspace/webextension | ~0.2.2 |
neutrino | ~8.2.3 |
For compiling project, we use Neutrino. Neutrino starts, as you will write certain commands, but we make two aliases, which will simplify work with neutrino:
"npm start"
- provides to compile trial testing version.
"npm build"
- provides to compile prodction version. It differ from "npm start" in a way, that if you will enter this commands with warnings, it won't let you to do that and it will throw exeption.
Both commands create folder "build" in your project - this is your ready extension. Next step - integration with browsers
Integration with each browser looks about the same, but can differ:
- Press keyboard shotrcut Ctrl+Shift+E or "Opera home panel >> Extensions >> Extensions" to open page with your extensions.
- Push folder with extension to the window with extensions in opera browser.
- Restart Opera browser.
After restart you can see an qr-extension icon on page action of Opera browser.