A curated list of useful pieces of software to build your own cloud.
- Rancher - easy way to handle your services, grouped in stacks, that scale with a mouse-click
- Prometheus - defacto standardized metrics protocols, supports labels for multidimensional markings of time series
- Grafana - beautiful open-source dashboard tool, supports a multitude of databases including elasticsearch, graphite and influxdb
- cAdvisor - exports prometheus compatible metrics of docker containers
- InfluxDB - timeseries database, supported by grafana
- Elasticsearch - world-famous document database with outstanding performance
- Telegraf - plugin based data transformation tool for gathering any kind of metrics and storing them in time series database
- OpenTracing - fast evolving standard to trace requests over different systems, crucial for microservices
- Hawkular - apm tool
- Jaeger - apm tool