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This set of libraries was built to help developers generate organic seed data for performance and unit testing.


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Audacia.Seed is an open-source library for generating test data. It can be used to build objects in memory, as well as seeding test data into a repository. It has support for the following ORMs:

  • Entity Framework Core (Audacia.Seed.EntityFrameworkCore)
  • Entity Framework (Audacia.Seed.EntityFramework)

The aim of this library is to reduce the overhead of setting up data for testing. It provides a fluent API for seeding data, and supports customisation of the data being seeded. This library has taken inspiration from libraries such as Bogus and AutoFixture, with the key difference of "Conservative seeding". That is, children will share a parent by default. Parents that are deemed to be optional will not be seeded unless otherwise specified.

This library is recommended for seeding complex data scenarios.

The problem

For even the simplest of data models, a lot of boilerplate code is required to seed a valid entity:

var booking = new Booking
    //... set any required fields    
    Facility = new Facility 
        //... set any required fields
    Member = new Member
        //... set any required fields

The solution

Audacia.Seed removes this verbosity with the following:


Similarly, if multiple entities need to be seeded:

const int amountOfBookingsToSeed = 5;

How does it work?

Inheritors of EntitySeed<TEntity> are searched for using reflection. If none can be found, the library will attempt to create a valid instance of TEntity on its own (see below).

The EntitySeed<TEntity> class

The EntitySeed<TEntity> has two important methods:

  • Prerequisites: get the navigations that should be created as a predecessor to TEntity, e.g a required parent.

  • GetDefault: create an instance of TEntity (without prerequisites).

When used together, these methods create a valid instance of TEntity.

There are two ways that the library implements the above two methods to seed data.

Model configuration-based seeding


This is only supported in Audacia.Seed.EntityFrameworkCore. For EF6, please see reflection-based-seeding below.

The library uses EF Core's IModel interface to get information about what prerequisites TEntity needs to be created - namely, it's required foreign keys. Once we've determined all required foreign keys, we'll construct a EntitySeed<TNavigation> for it.

Reflection-based seeding


When seeding without a class, we figure out the Prerequisites as follows:

  1. The library finds all fields that it thinks are navigation properties. This is based on the property being a class, and the existence of another property with the name {PropertyName}Id.
  2. A navigation property is considered as mandatory if its corresponding foreign key is not nullable.
  3. For each mandatory navigation property, we try to find a EntitySeed<TNavigation> class for it. If none is found, we'll repeat this process for TNavigation.


When seeding without a class, the library will call the first constructor it finds for TEntity, using example values for any constructor arguments as needed:

  • if it is a string, a random Guid will be used.
  • otherwise, the default value for the type will be used.

Seeding method for each provider

The following table shows how each provider behaves when seeding data:

Provider Model configuration Reflection
EF Core ✔️
EF 6 ️✔️️
In-memory ️️️✔️

Custom EntitySeed<TEntity>s

Creating a child class of EntitySeed<TEntity> class allows you to define a valid default TEntity to be seeded looks like. It should seed exactly the information required for an instance of TEntity to be considered valid. For example, it may be that you have two optional navigation properties, but your domain ensures exactly one is populated. This is a good use-case for a custom class as the default behaviour will be to seed neither of these navigation properties.

You can create a class that inherits from EntitySeed<TEntity> to represent a single valid instance of TEntity as below:

public class MyEntitySeed : EntitySeed<MyEntity>
    public override IEnumerable<ISeedPrerequisite> Prerequisites() =>
        // This and `OptionalParentTwo` are optional FKs, but exactly one must be set for this entity to be valid.
        new SeedPrerequisite<MyEntity, MyParent>(f => f.OptionalParentOne)

    protected override MyEntity GetDefault(int index, MyEntity? previous)
        return new MyEntity
            Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

When to override Prerequisites / GetDfault

Both the Prerequisites and GetDefault methods are optional. If you don't need to explicitly state what this behaviour will be, the library will behave as above.

Prerequisites should be overridden if any mandatory properties don't follow the naming convention outlined above, or the navigation properties need to look a certain way by default. For example, a Booking must have a Member with a specific MembershipLevel.

GetDefault should be overridden if creating a new TEntity(), and immediately saving throws errors that aren't related to foreign keys (e.g a required string field). For example, a Coupon must have a non-zero discount.

In-memory seeding with the EntityBuilder

Test data that is generated does not need to be saved to a database. The EntityBuilder class can be used to generate test data in-memory. This is useful for unit tests that don't require a database, for example when testing extension methods.

var booking = new EntityBuilder().Build<Booking>();

Alternatively, you can provide a seed configuration to the EntityBuilder:

var booking = new EntityBuilder().Build(new BookingSeed());

As well as the ability to build many:

var bookings = new EntityBuilder().BuildMany<Booking>(5);


Unlike EF Core / EF6, the reverse of navigation properties are not set when seeding in-memory. This means that if you populate a parent on a child, the collection of children on the parent will not necessarily be changed.


At a high level:

// When you want to override any default behaviour to specify a value that is meaningful to the test.
new BookingSeed().With(b => b.Name, "Booking Name");

// When you want to override any default behaviour to set a property as null.
new BookingSeed().Without(b => b.Name);

// When your database already contains the data you want to join up to.
new BookingSeed().WithExisting(b => b.Member);

// When you want each child to have a different parent.
new BookingSeed().WithDifferent(b => b.Member);

// When you want to specify an optional navigation property.
new BookingSeed().WithNew(b => b.Coupon);

// When you want to override the default behaviour for a mandatory navigation property.
new BookingSeed().WithNew(b => b.Member, new MemberSeed().With(m => m.FirstName, "Member Name"));

//  When you're seeding from the parent level, but want to ensure the children are set up.
new MemberSeed().WithChildren(m => m.Bookings);

//  When you want to control what the primary key is set to.
new MemberSeed().WithPrimaryKey(1);

Depending on whether you're seeding one or many entities, these customisations can then be seeded into the database context as follows:

// When you're seeding one entity

// When you're seeding more than one entity
_context.SeedMany(5, seed);

Entities can be customised within the test via the following:

With (single entity)

Set properties on an entity:

new BookingSeed()
    .With(b => b.Name, "Booking Name")
    .With(b => b.StartDate, new DateTime(2024, 1, 1));


This can be also done for navigation properties so long as you provide a valid instance of the navigation property.

Set a property on a parent entity:

new BookingSeed().With(m => m.Member.FirstName, "Member Name");

Set a navigation property:

new BookingSeed().With(m => m.Member, new Member() {...});

With (multiple entities)

The following examples apply to when you're seeding multiple entities (i.e with SeedMany).

Set a property to a single value for all entities:

new BookingSeed().With(b => b.Name, "Booking Name");


In this scenario, all entities will have the same value for the property.

Set a property to multiple values in order:

new BookingSeed().With(b => b.Name, "Booking A", "Booking B", "Booking C");

Set a property based on the index of the entity being seeded

new CouponSeed().With(c => c.Discount, index => index * 10m);

Set a property based on the previous entity:

new CouponSeed().With(c => c.Discount, (_, previous) => previous?.Discount * 2 ?? 0.1m)

Set a property with a new value each time:

new CouponSeed().With(
    scs => scs.Name,
    // Delegate is re-evaluated each time
    () => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())


Set a property on an entity as null;

new BookingSeed().Without(b => b.Name);

WithNew (single entity)

Specify that an navigation optional property should be non-null, or override the default behaviour for a mandatory navigation property.

Set a navigation property without a seed:

new BookingSeed().WithNew(b => b.Coupon);

In this scenario, we will look for inheritors of EntitySeed<Coupon>, falling back on the default behaviour if none are found (see Reflection-based seeding).

Set a navigation property with a seed

new BookingSeed().WithNew(b => b.Coupon, new CouponSeed().With(...));

Seed a grandparent entity

new BookingSeed().WithNew(b => b.Facility.Building);


This isn't necessary if these relationships are mandatory.

If any parent in the property chain is optional, you will get a null reference exception. You can work around this as follows:

new BookingSeed()
    .WithNew(b => b.OptionalParent)// This is necessary to ensure `OptionalParent` is not null before seeding further properties on it.
    .WithNew(b => b.OptionalParent.Parent);

WithNew (multiple entities)

Set a navigation property to the provided seeds in order

List<MemberSeed> memberSeeds = [ new MemberSeed(), new MemberSeed() ];

new BookingSeed().WithNew(
    b => b.Coupon,
    // First 3 bookings are for the first member
    // Remaining 2 bookings are for the second member


If all you need is for the parents to be different, you can use WithDifferent instead.

Set a navigation property to the same value for all entities:

new BookingSeed().WithNew(
    // All bookings get the same member with the provided first name.
    b => b.Member, 
    new MemberSeed().With(m => m.FirstName, "Member Name"));

WithDifferent (multiple entities)

You can only use WithDifferent if you are seeding more than one entity. As such, the library will throw an exception if passed into Seed rather than SeedMany.

Specify that two entities should not share a parent:

new BookingSeed().WithDifferent(b => b.Member);

Specify that two entities should not share a grandparent (and therefore parent):

new BookingSeed().WithDifferent(b => b.Member.MembershipGroup);


Use WithExisting to seed an entity using data that already exists in the database. Use this when your database already has data in it.

Set a navigation property to an existing entity from the database

new BookingSeed().WithExisting(b => b.Member);

Set a navigation property to an existing entity from the database based on a predicate

new BookingSeed().WithExisting(b => b.Member, m => m.FirstName == "Member Name");


Set a child navigation property

This will seed a single child Booking for each Member.

new MemberSeed().WithChildren(m => m.Bookings);

Set a child navigation property to a collection of the provided size

const int numberOfBookings = 5;
new MemberSeed().WithChildren(m => m.Bookings, numberOfBookings);

Set a child navigation property to a collection of the provided size, using an EntitySeed<TChild>

const int numberOfBookings = 2;
new MemberSeed().WithChildren(
    m => m.Bookings, 
    new BookingSeed().With(b => b.Name, "First Booking", "Second Booking"));


You cannot use WithChildren to join up to existing data in the database (like with WithExisting). You can use the With extension method to do this:

var existingBooking = _context.Bookings.First();
new MemberSeed().With(m => m.Bookings, [existingBooking]);

Add your own customisation

Consider the following interface:

public interface IHasName
    string Name { get; set; }

You can specify a customisation to set these fields automatically as follows:

public class SeedNamesCustomisation<TEntity> : ISeedCustomisation<TEntity>
    where TEntity : class, IHasName
    public void Apply(TEntity entity, ISeedableRepository repository, int index, TEntity? previous)
        entity.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

This customisation can then be applied to any entity that implements IHasName using the AddCustomisation method:

new PersonSeed().AddCustomisation(new SeedNamesCustomisation<Person>())

And will therefore automatically set the Name property of all Members.

More complex seeding scenarios

Bookings are for different facilities, some of which are in the same building

var building = _context.Seed<Building>();
var seed = new BookingSeed()
    .WithDifferent(b => b.Facility)
    .With(b => b.Facility.BuildingId, building.Id, null, building.Id);

const int bookingsToSeed = 3;
var bookings = _context.SeedMany(bookingsToSeed, seed).ToList();

// Seeds the following:
// > Facility 1 (in Building 1)
//     > Booking 1
// > Facility 2 (no building)
//     > Booking 2
// > Facility 3 (in Building 1)
//     > Booking 3

Bookings belong to different facilities, some of which are the same.

var facilitySeeds = new[] { new FacilitySeed(), new FacilitySeed() };
var seed = new BookingSeed()
    .WithNew(b => b.Facility, facilitySeeds[0], facilitySeeds[0], facilitySeeds[1]);

const int bookingsToSeed = 3;
_context.SeedMany(bookingsToSeed, seed);

// Seeds the following:
// > Facility 1
//     > Booking 1
//     > Booking 2
// > Facility 2
//     > Booking 3

A member has a conflicting booking in a different building

var start = DateTime.Now;
var finish = start.AddHours(1);
var seed = new BookingSeed()
    .With(b => b.Start, start)
    .With(b => b.Finish, finish)
    .WithDifferent(b => b.Facility.Building);

const int amountToCreate = 2;
var bookings = _context.SeedMany(amountToCreate, seed).ToList();

// Seeds the following:
// > Building 1
//     > Facility 1
//         > Booking 1 (Start: Now, Finish: Now + 1 hour)
// > Building 2
//     > Facility 2
//         > Booking 2 (Start: Now, Finish: Now + 1 hour)

Facilities are owned and managed by different employees

// Employee A manages Facility A and Facility B
// Employee B manages Facility C and Owns Facility A
// Employee C owns Facility B and Facility C
var employeeSeeds = new[]
    new EmployeeSeed().With(e => e.FirstName, "A"),
    new EmployeeSeed().With(e => e.FirstName, "B"),
    new EmployeeSeed().With(e => e.FirstName, "C")
var seed = new FacilitySeed()
    .With(f => f.Name, "A", "B", "C")
    .WithNew(f => f.Owner, employeeSeeds[1], employeeSeeds[2], employeeSeeds[2])
    .WithNew(f => f.Manager, employeeSeeds[0], employeeSeeds[0], employeeSeeds[1]);

const int amountToCreate = 3;
_context.SeedMany(amountToCreate, seed);

// Seeds the following:
// > Facility A (Owned by Employee B, Managed by Employee A)
// > Facility B (Owned by Employee C, Managed by Employee A)
// > Facility C (Owned by Employee C, Managed by Employee B)

Two members have two bookings each

const int bookingsPerMember = 2;
var seed = new MemberSeed()
    .WithChildren(m => m.Bookings, bookingsPerMember);

const int amountOfMembers = 2;
_context.SeedMany(amountOfMembers, seed);

// Seeds the following:
// > Member 1
//     > Booking 1
//     > Booking 2
// > Member 2
//     > Booking 3
//     > Booking 4

Use seeds from a separate project

By default, the library will look for seeds in the same assembly as the test. If you have a separate project for your seeds, you can specify this assembly attribute in your test project as follows:

[assembly: SeedAssembly("My.Seed.Assembly")]

See here for an example.

Usage notes

WithMany mismatches

We don't know at compile time how many entities you want to seed vs how many entities your customisation will handle. As such, the following code will build successfully:

var seed = new BookingSeed()
    .With(b => b.Name, "Booking A", "Booking B");

_context.SeedMany(3, seed); 

In this scenario, a DataSeedingException will be thrown. This will also happen if you provide 3 values, but only 2 entities are being seeded.


You can still provide a single value for a property, and seed multiple entities. In this scenario, all entities will have the same value for the property.

Children share parents by default.

When seeding many children, the default behaviour will be to share a parent.


_context.Set<Booking>.Count();// 5 Bookings
_context.Set<Facility>.Count();// 1 Facility for all Bookings
_context.Set<Member>.Count();// 1 Member for all Bookings

This is also true for optional navigations.

To override this behaviour, use WithDifferent:

    new BookingSeed()
        .WithDifferent(b => b.Member)
        .WithDifferent(b => b.Facility));

_context.Set<Booking>.Count();// 5 Bookings
_context.Set<Facility>.Count();// 5 Facilities, one for each Booking
_context.Set<Member>.Count();// 5 Members, one for each Booking

Pass one seed per branch of the data model into WithSeeds

If you need to seed data for a complex graph of objects with multiple branches, a good way to approach this is to work out the nearest entity which all branches will seed. The seed configuration for that entity will be reused by default, so you can use one seed configuration per branch, and they should all join up at that entity.

For example, consider this data model:

  • A Booking has a single Member.
  • A Member has many Contacts, which has many Addresses.

It is difficult to seed everything from the Address level, because it is dependent on the Member, but the Member is the principal in the other relationships being seeded, so you end up seeding from the principal end of the relationship.

Instead, provide one seed configuration for each branch of the data model. In this case, we have two branches: Booking and Address. Both of them will require a Member, and the functionality will reuse the same Member for both of them.

_context.Seed(new AddressSeed(), new BookingSeed());

Seed your most complicated data separately

It is most performant to seed everything in a single save. However, for complex data setups it's recommended to split out the seeding in stages to improve readability. Sometimes you need complicated seed data, and can't work out how to set it all up using the EntitySeed classes. In some scenarios, this may be made easier by seeding the data in two stages.

If a specific test in the class is more complex than others, consider seeding the data for that test from within the test, rather than the constructor:

public class MyTests
    public MyTests() 
        // Seed simple data here that all tests need
    public void MySimpleUnitTests()
        // No addititional setup required        
    public void MyComplexUnitTests()
        // Additional commplex seeding goes here        

Change History

The Audacia.Seed repository change history can be found in this changelog:


We welcome contributions! Please feel free to check our Contribution Guidlines for feature requests, issue reporting and guidelines.


This set of libraries was built to help developers generate organic seed data for performance and unit testing.







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