Freelancer and Mentor at OpenClassrooms
const happinessHandler = {
code: ["javascript", "PHP", "Typescript", "Java__deprecated", ["insert other language to try"] ],
technologies: {
mobileApp: ["React Native", "Cordova", "Ionic"],
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Vuejs", "Nuxtjs", "Nextjs"],
css: ["Design System", "Sass", "Bootstrap", "Tailwind"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Nodejs", "Nestjs", "Express"]
devOps: ["AWS", "Netlify"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "MySql"],
CMS: ["Wordpress - installation / theming / custom / plugin / Headless"]
design: {
UX: ["users survey", "users testing", "wireframes"],
UI: {
interfaces: ["XD", "Sketch", "Figma"],
graphism: ["Photoshop", "Illustrator", "Procreate"],
video: ["After effect"]
Hobbies: ["workout", "drawing", "3D printing", "mmorpg"],
also_me: "Happiness, jokes, competitivity, positivity, adventures :)"
** My Business Card **
💼 Open to work (Freelancing, missions or long-term) - Love to teach !
📜 Remote working girl ! (also love to meet my coworkers IRL 😊)