This engine will add ecommerce capabilities to any of DevTechPeru´s projects.
After following installation instructions, a new online store will be available at selected endpoint (ex. /tienda). The main application's Devise user will be available, as well as all main Application Controller methods (and soon helpers). CanCanCan Roles can also be added to Engines own Ability class and they will be merged into main app's Ability class.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ecommerce'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ecommerce
Mount the engine in your routes:
mount Ecommerce::Engine, at: "/tienda", as: "ecommerce"
The following gems must be installed in main app:
gem 'jquery-rails' gem 'jquery-ui-rails' gem 'bootstrap-sass' gem 'meta-tags', require: 'meta_tags' gem "responders" gem 'devise' gem 'devise-i18n' gem 'cancancan' gem 'acts-as-taggable-on', github: "Fodoj/acts-as-taggable-on", branch: 'rails-5.2'
ActsAsTaggableOn requires an initializer with the following:
ActsAsTaggableOn.force_lowercase = true
User Model
The Ecommerce engine expects the following User model schema to be present:
t.string :email (Devise default) t.string :password (Devise default) t.integer :role, default: 0, null: false (for CanCanCan authorizations) t.string :first_name, null: false t.string :last_name, null: false t.string :phone t.string :username t.string :address t.string :doc_id t.string :avatar t.string :cart_id t.integer :status
application.rb must set the locale to a supported locale:
config.i18n.default_locale = :'es-PE'
Include the Following Helper:
module LayoutHelper
of Rails. Inspired by
def parent_layout(layout) @view_flow.set(:layout, output_buffer) output = render(:file => "layouts/#{layout}") self.output_buffer = end end
main_app application.scss and application.js must include:
@import 'ecommerce/backoffice/globals/fonts';
@import 'ecommerce/backoffice/globals/variables';
// --------------Bootstrap-----------------------------
@import 'bootstrap-sprockets';
@import 'bootstrap';
@import 'bootstrap-datetimepicker';
@import 'devise_bootstrap_views';
@import 'bootstrap-datetimepicker';
@import 'material_icons';
@import 'custom_APP_NAME';
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require bootstrap-sprockets
//= require moment
//= require moment/es
//= require bootstrap-datetimepicker
copy over and run migrations with
rails ecommerce:install:migrations
rails db:migrate
Note: special care needs to be taken when creating and copying over a migration with relations from the namespaced engine, since rails fails to recognize the namespace for the foreign keys. See create_ecommerce_product_skus for a working example Basically you have to remove the foreign_key: true from the field and add the foreign key manually by using:
add_foreign_key :ecommerce_product_skus, :ecommerce_products, column: :product_id
Seed Data is required for engine configuration. To properly seed data from engine in main app add the following command to main_app seeds.rb:
and run in main_app terminal:
rails db:seed
The following configurations need to be set by creating ecommerce.rb in initializers/ecommerce.rb:
Ecommerce.ecommerce_layout = "canvas_ecommerce" Ecommerce.use_main_app_header = true Ecommerce.use_main_app_footer = true Ecommerce.use_main_app_javascripts = true Ecommerce.use_engine_header = false Ecommerce.use_engine_footer = false Ecommerce.logo = "PATH_TO_LOGO" Ecommerce.horizontal_logo = "PATH_TO_HORIZONTAL_LOGO" Ecommerce.engine_alias_endpoint = 'tienda' Ecommerce.locale_set_by_store = true Ecommerce.fb_app_id = 'FB_APP_ID' Ecommerce.shipping_integrator = 'Urbaner' Ecommerce.electronic_invoicing = 'Nubefact'
Completely customizable ecommerce module change layout and css to your custom design manage categories, products, products attributes Peruvian electronic invoicing Credit Card payments via Culqi integrates with 3rd party logistics partner (Olva, Urbaner) configure via Control. customizable marketing top-bar. If dismissed it won't appear again after new HTML top bar text is saved via backoffice
Mega_menu option in category so that main_menu categories can look like this: Even better would be customizable menus (like Saga Falabella which can be chosen and completed with data) Multilanguage strings for both store and backoffice
All products, categories, etc.. can have multilanguage values so user-facing ecommerce is multilanguage
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.