Virtual agenda for EPITA.
Here is the process to install EPITAF's development environment.
- Start the database & backend
$ cp .env.sample .env
$ docker-compose up -d
$ go build
$ ./epitaf init
$ ./epitaf start
- Add a user
$ docker exec -it epitafdb echo 'INSERT INTO users (login, name, email, promotion, semester, region, class) values ("your.login", "Your Name", "[email protected]", 2024, "S5", "Paris", "A2")' | mysql -uroot -proot -h127.0.0.1 epitaf
- Setup UI
$ cd ui
$ echo 'REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080/v1' > .env
$ yarn
$ yarn start
- Login
$ ./epitaf login [email protected]
> click the link
Checkout localhost:3000.