Author: Yujia Zhang
Main page of our group: AUSM Lab
This is a Matlab script that projects the lidar 3d point cloud onto the panoramic image for the Maverick Mobile Mapping System. The calibration estimates the intrinsics of the ladybug camera, the boresight and level-arm parameters between lidar and ladybug camera.
Input: calibration parameters, timestamps for lidar 3d point cloud and panoramic image, the lidar 3d point cloud, the single image from camera j or panoramic image
timeL = load('F:/SLAM/dataset/HighFrameRate/Test2/PointCloud2Timestamp.txt')*10^9;
timeC = load('F:/SLAM/dataset/HighFrameRate/Test2/frame_timestamps.txt');
% load velodyne points
filename = sprintf('F:/SLAM/dataset/HighFrameRate/Test2/point_cloud/%05d.3d', Tindex(i+1)-1);
%get the image from camj
imgname = sprintf('F:/SLAM/dataset/HighFrameRate/Test2/Rectified/Cam%d/%06d.png', j-1, i);
%get the panoramic image
panoname = sprintf('F:/SLAM/dataset/HighFrameRate/Test2/Pano/%06d.png', i);
Output: the panoramic image mapped with lidar 3d point cloud, the colors represent the depth range