Austin Horn's Minecraft 1.19.2 Forge Mod
Horn's Mod is a mod written for the hit game Minecraft. It is built on top of the Minecraft Forge API.
It greatly expands and improves the Minecraft experience, adding many new blocks, entities, and features. Development started in August 2023, and is currently still an unreleased alpha with the first release estimated to be in late September.
The mod was created and is still currently maintained by the user going by the name austinmhorn.
- 3 New Ores
- 20+ New Blocks
- 50+ New Items
- New Armor Sets
- New Tools
- New Benches & Tables
- Travel To New Dimensions & Planets
- Custom Machinery & Technology
This project uses the build automation tool Gradle, which requires a Java JDK or JRE to be installed, version 6 or higher (to check, use java -version).
Use The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux), Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install [email protected]
Use the Windows command line installer Scoop
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
scoop install gradle
Note: if you get an error you might need to change the execution policy (i.e. enable Powershell) with the following command
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
sdk install gradle 7.6.2
git clone --branch main --single-branch
(cd hornsmod; ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.6.2)
You can find the .jar file(s) located in the libs directory
For sample testing, just run this command in the project root directory:
./gradlew runClient
- [Download] Minecraft Forge 1.19.2(
- Open the .jar file that was downloaded
- Keep “Install client” selected and click install
- For MacOS, open Finder and go to /Users/replace_with_your_username/Library/Application Support/minecraft
- On Windows, search %appdata% in File Explorer and select .minecraft folder
- If there isn’t a folder named “mods”, create one
- Copy all mod .jar file(s) into mods folder
- First, follow the "Add mods to client side" instructions above.
- Open server FTP File Access
- If there isn’t a folder named “mods”, create one
- Copy all mod .jar file(s) into mods folder
- Safely restart server
- Minecraft isn't loading any mods?
- Make sure you have the forge installation selected in the Minecraft Launcher when you boot the game.
- brew install [email protected] failed?
- This happens on ARM arch for some reason. If you follow the manual Gradle installation instructions on their website that resolves the issue.
- permission denied: ./gradlew?
- Give the gradlew exectuable permissions by running:
- chmod +x ./gradlew
- Give the gradlew exectuable permissions by running:
Post only confirmed bugs here. Do not post crash logs, you can post pastebin links to FML logs, but no crash logs.