Limesurvey plugin to filter users per survey based on SAML affiliation attribute.
- LimeSurvey 3.XX
- SAML-Plugin
- (optional) SAML-Person-Status
- Copy SAMLAffiliationPermit folder with its content at limesurvey/plugins folder
- Go to Admin > Configuration > Plugin Manager or https:/ and Enable the plugin
- Go to Surveys > (Select desired survey) > Simple Plugins or https:/{survey_id}/subaction/plugins
- Open Settings for plugin AuthSurvey accordion
- Click Enabled checkbox
- Open Settings for plugin SAMLAffiliationPermit accordion
- Click Enabled checkbox
- SAML Attribute Global SAML attribute to filter users with. Can be modified in every survey.
- Enabled If checked then the plugin is enabled for the selected survey
- SAML Attribute SAML attribute to filter users with for current survey
- Allowed Affiliations Comma separated list of the allowed affiliations that are allowed to participate on the survey
- Allowed Status per Affiliation Comma separated list of the allowed person status per affiliation that are allowed to participate on the survey. Allowed values are:
- active: only active persons can participate
- inactive: only inactive person can participate
- whatever: everyone can participate
- missing: only persons that their status field is missing can participate
Active Students, faculty members and active staff can participate
- Affiliations: student,faculty,staff
- Status: active,whatever
Only active students can participate
- Affiliations: student
- Status: active