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Adding Shibboleth support
Joey Wildman edited this page Nov 1, 2024
3 revisions
The following is from a response to a slack message asking how to set up Autolab in 2024:
Following up on this: You want to configure Shibboleth as an omniauth provider, which should create a corresponding login button on the sign-in page. Unfortunately, the process is somewhat involved.
- Add shibboleth configuration for devise in
, e.g.:
config.omniauth :shibboleth, {uid_field: 'eppn',
info_fields: {first_name: 'givenName', last_name: 'sn', school: 'eduPersonSchoolCollegeName'},
- Customize app/controllers/users/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb and app/models/user.rb to handle populating names and other attributes when doing auto-creation of users (or to disable auto-creation).
- Install and configure Passenger, including running passenger-install-apache2-module.
- These are the relevant bits of the Apache config (adjust documentroot to taste):
DocumentRoot /opt/autolab/public
<Directory /opt/autolab/public>
<IfModule passenger_module>
PassengerAppRoot /opt/autolab
AllowOverride all
Options -MultiViews
require all granted
<FilesMatch ".*-[0-9a-f]{32,64}.(png|css|js|json)(.gz)?">
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
<Location /assets>
<IfModule passenger_module>
PassengerEnabled off
ShibDisable on
Require all granted
<IfModule passenger_module>
<Location /Shibboleth.sso>
PassengerEnabled off
<Location /auth/users/auth/shibboleth/callback>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
#require shib-user ~ .*@andrew.cmu.edu$
#require shib-attr affiliation [email protected]
#require shib-user [email protected]
#require shib-user [email protected]
- If you would like to enable auto-login, you must redirect from the sign-in page to Shibboleth login, and from logout to Shibboleth logout.
- Redirect /auth/users/sign_in to /auth/users/auth/shibboleth
- Redirect /auth/users/sign_out to /Shibboleth.sso/Logout?return=https://somewhere.not.your.autolab/
See something wrong or out of date? Did our wording trip you up? Bad documentation sucks for everyone--be sure to let us know if there's something out of place!
-- The Autolab Team