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A library to sync user data in a regular interval from two different sources.

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av_accounts is a project that enables OAuth for Aurovilians to be able login into Auroville products and services

profiles is a microservice of Auronet - an intranet used by Aurovilians. Users can maintain their public profile information.

AVUserSync is a library that can be installed to sync Auroville user data in your database from two sources, namely, av_accounts and profiles.


Due to security reasons of the users of both sources, It's best to always sync in production or staging and not in development environment.

This project is not available as a package in hex. For this library to only sync in production, you need to install from the Github installer by adding av_user_sync to your list of dependencies in mix.exs like below:

def deps do
  {:av_user_sync, github: "auroville/av_user_sync", runtime: Mix.env() == :prod}


In your config/runtime.exs, you need to configure repos of the source databases:

config :av_user_sync, AVUserSync.AVAccounts.Repo,

config :av_user_sync, AVUserSync.AVProfile.Repo,

You also need to configure the repo and schema to sync user data in your database. So, in your config/config.exs:

config :av_user_sync,
  otp_app: :your_app,
  repo: YourEctoRepo,
  schema: YourEctoSchma

To be able to be sync, the data structure of user in your database should follow like below:

  • id - Primay ID (binary)
  • username - String
  • email - String
  • asyncto_id - String
  • display_name - String
  • community - String
  • phone - String
  • about - Text
  • profile_picture - String

Also, you need to add the AVUserSync.Periodically to the supervision tree in order to sync every 10 mins.

def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Voila!!! You can sit back and watch your users getting synced from the two sources

Mix tasks

The goal of these mix tasks is to enable easy setup of your application to start syncing. Please go through the rest of it as you may find them very helpful.

mix av_user_sync.gen.schema

The main functions of this command is to

  • generate schema file corresponding to the data structure of user
  • also generates a migration file corresponding to the data structure schema

This command accepts only two arguments and they are

  1. schema module name
  2. table name

Below is just an example of how you can use this command:

mix av_user_sync.gen.schema Shared.User av_users

Alternatively, you can also run the command without any arguments. Running without any arguments just assumes schema module name to be Accounts.User and the table name to be users. So, running the command like below is also valid:

mix av_user_sync.gen.schema

mix av_user_sync.gen.seed

As you already know, this library only helps in syncing the user data and that too is only recommended in production. What if you want to interact with the user data? How will you test with an actual user from your local environment?

Running the command will create 3 test users. The user data will actually match with the two sources of data and it means that you can test out interactions that require users from your local enivronment.

This command doesn't require any arguments for it to work. But you need to have the configuration which configures both repo and schma of your app. Once you have the configuration ready, you can run it like below:

mix av_user_sync.gen.seed

Contributing to AVUserSync

For working with development environment, it's always better to clone this repository and work with it. In Elixir/Phoenix, add the av_user_sync in mix.exs with the path installer rather than github installer like above:

def deps do
  {:av_user_sync, path: "../av_user_sync"}

The source databases for development are already configured in config/dev.exs of the AVUserSync library. From the root directory of the library, you need to run the command:

mix ecto.create

This will create empty source databases for you to get started with testing. You need to dump the databases with production/staging data into the two local databases:

  1. av_profile_dev
  2. av_accounts_dev

Please contact the Talam team at [email protected]

Projects in elixir do not load configurations from dependencies. So, you also need to configure the two repos in application you are working with:

config :av_user_sync, AVUserSync.AVProfile.Repo,
  database: "av_profile_dev",
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  hostname: "localhost",
  show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true

config :av_user_sync, AVUserSync.AVAccounts.Repo,
  database: "av_accounts_dev",
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  hostname: "localhost",
  show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true

That is it!!! You are now all set to start working on the library.


A library to sync user data in a regular interval from two different sources.






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