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DEMO: extract media tags with Spotify API to relational Docker backend


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Music Library ETL - Relational

Python 3.12 License pre-commit Code style: black Checked with mypy Linting: Ruff

Project Rationale

Most of us have local music files (mp3, m4a, flac, wma, etc.) accumulated over the years.

Another 'media-parser' project was written to extract tags and metadata from local files and save results as standardized dataframes exported to JSON here.

The purpose of this project is to use several data management tools to leverage APIs into usable persistent formats:

  1. Query tag data from each track against Spotify Web API to determine which [artist, album, track] ID belongs to each song.

    • given library managers (MediaMonkey, Rhythmbox, MusicBrainz, Mp3tag, iTunes, foobar2000, etc.) have different interpretations of tag data
    • process involves fuzzy pattern matching
  2. Load newline delimited JSON (source data generated by 'media-parser') to Postgres backend running in Docker orchestrated by this ETL pipeline.

  3. Query Spotify 'Liked Songs' playlist from this code

    • save API responses as custom formatted SQLModels
    • export SQLModels as newline delimited JSON files (custom formatted rows)
    • load results to two new 'liked_song' and 'audio_feature' tables in Postgres

updated: 2024-01-31 to include pydantic v2 models

Data source (offline)


Data sink


Step 1: Setup credentials

Spotify OAuth2

# update *_secret.toml file to include your Spotify API credentials
cp './config/settings_example.toml' './config/settings_secret.toml'

within './config/*_secret.toml':
    client_id = "123456789abcdefg"        # <-- enter your CLIENT_ID
    client_secret = "abcdefg123456789"    # <-- enter your CLIENT_SECRET

# update: './docker/config/*_secret.env':
cp './docker/config/postgres_example_dev.env' './docker/config/postgres_private_dev.env'

POSTGRES_USER      # <-- enter your username
POSTGRES_PASSWORD  # <-- enter your password (no special chars)

Step 2: Setup Python Virtual Environment

Poetry Commands

# check poetry
poetry --version

# use latest python version for venv
pyenv install --list | grep " 3.12"
pyenv install 3.12.0
pyenv local 3.12.0

# optional: update poetry settings
poetry config true
poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python true
poetry config --list

# check pyproject.toml
poetry check
poetry lock

# upgrade pip within venv
poetry run python -m pip install --upgrade pip

# create virtual environment
poetry install -vvv | tee ./logs/poetry_install.log

# optional: update git settings
git config --global --add "$(pwd)"
git config --list

# optional: setup pre-commit
poetry run pre-commit autoupdate
poetry run pre-commit install --install-hooks

Step 3: Setup Docker container

Install Docker Desktop

Docker Compose Commands

# start backend with convenience script:


Step 4: Trigger Media Tag ETL

# load local JSON file to postgres
poetry run python ./src/spotify_tags_etl/

# optional: query spotify for matching album, artist, track IDs:
poetry run python ./src/spotify_tags_etl/ --query-spotify

Step 5: Run playlist ETL script

# to only load JSON files (prior query to postgres using SQLModel ORM library:
poetry run python ./src/spotify_tags_etl/

# optional: query Spotify 'Liked Songs' and audio feature extraction, and load to postgres:
poetry run python ./src/spotify_tags_etl/ --query-spotify


Cleanup and maintenance

cd ./docker
# shut down container
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-dev.yaml --env-file ./config/postgres_secret_dev.env down --remove-orphans

# optional: update poetry
poetry self lock
poetry self install --sync
poetry self update

# update dependencies in venv
poetry update -vvv | tee ./logs/poetry_update.log


While leveraging the Spotify APIs, I noticed a few quirks:

  • Search queries with [&,.] symbols returned incorrect 'id' matches:
    • example:
      • 'Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside' -> '6S7GGa2a501L3vN8h7yGhv' = INVALID
      • 'Sallie Ford The Sound Outside' -> '0Z8RhQLJrLxKMWoUW2qo95' = CORRECT
  • Classical music queries are poorly supported in Search for Item API:
    • missing relevant search parameters: 'orchestra', 'date performed', 'conductor', etc.
  • Search queries with Unicode characters also returned incorrect 'id' matches:
    • example:
      • 'Björk' -> '0L2E40bnomT7iQiZvKYC0B' = INVALID
      • 'Bjork' -> '6xy8s41CbAZbN6skLwoPYn' = CORRECT
  • While performing pagination, the "total" number of items available to return was also invalid:
    • I ended up checking if items list had elements vs. continuing to query endpoint for empty items (last n-pages)
  • It would be better for API endpoints to support subqueries (GraphQL: only return specific fields in each response)
    • Goal: ignore unnecessary portion of API response payload (images, available_markets, etc.)



DEMO: extract media tags with Spotify API to relational Docker backend








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