This discussion needs attention.
Work is blocked on this issue for this codebase. Other labels or comments may indicate why.
This issue requires a breaking change to remediate.
This issue will automatically close in 4 days unless further comments are made.
This is a PR that came from AWS.
This issue is a problem in a dependency.
This is a problem with documentation.
This issue is a duplicate.
A feature should be added or improved.
Question that needs advice or information.
We are asking the community to submit a PR to resolve this issue.
This issue is being investigated and/or work is in progress to resolve the issue.
Pull requests that update javascript code
This issue/PR requires more discussion with community.
This issue needs reproduction.
This issue or PR still needs to be triaged.
This issue is the highest priority
This is a high priority issue
This is a standard priority issue
This is a minor priority issue
This issue will be fixed by an approved PR that hasn't been released yet.
Marking this issue as a potential regression to be checked by team member
This PR cannot be merged or reviewed, because it is blocked for some reason.
This PR is a breaking change. It needs to be modified to be allowed in the current major version.
This PR should not be merged at this time.