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Run FMBench simultaneously across multiple Amazon EC2 machines to benchmark an FM across multiple serving stacks simultaneously

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FMBench Orchestrator

The FMBench Orchestrator automates the LLM benchmarking. It is built with modular design where users can plug and play with any combination of dataset, models, serving stacks, and benchmark metrics:

Accuracy trajectory with prompt size

Table of Contents

How does it work?

| Initialization            |
| (Configure & Setup)       |
| Instance Creation         |
| (Launch EC2 Instances)    |
| FMBENCH Execution         |
| (Run Benchmark Script)    |
| Results Collection        |
| (Download from instances) |
| Instance Termination      |
| (Terminate Instances)     |


  • IAM ROLE: You need an active AWS account having an IAM Role: Need necessary permissions to create, manage, and terminate EC2 instances. See this link for the permissions and trust policies that this IAM role needs to have. Call this IAM role as fmbench-orchestrator.

  • Service quota: Your AWS account needs to have enough VCPU quota to launch the Amazon EC2 instances if your LLM serving stack is EC2. In case you need to request a quota increase, please refer to this link. This would usually mean increasing the CPU limits for your accounts, getting quota for certain instance types etc.

  • An Orchestrator EC2 Instance: It is recommended to run the orchestrator on an EC2 instance preferably located in the same AWS region where you plan to host your LLM (although launching instances across regions is supported as well).

    • Use Ubuntu as the instance OS, specifically the ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd-gp3/ubuntu-noble-24.04-amd64-server-20240927 AMI.
    • Use t3.xlarge as the instance type with preferably at least 100GB of disk space.
    • Associate the fmbench-orchestrator IAM role with this instance.

Install FMBench-Orchestrator on EC2

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd fmbench-orchestrator
  2. Install uv

    curl -LsSf | sh
    export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
    uv venv && source .venv/bin/activate && uv pip sync pyproject.toml
    uv add zmq
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name=.venv --display-name="Python (uv env)"
  3. Hugging Face token: Please follow the instructions here to get a Hugging Face token. Please also make sure to get access to the models in HuggingFace. Most models and tokenizers are downloaded from Hugging Face, to enable this place your Hugging Face token in /tmp/hf_token.txt.

    # replace with your Hugging Face token
    echo $hf_token > /tmp/hf_token.txt

Try it out

Follow the below steps to get started with benchmarking Meta Llama 3 8b on a g6e.2xlarge and g6e.4xlarge in under 30 minutes.

Run benchmark experiments:

In this example, we compare the cost and performance of hosting Llama3.1-8b on EC2 g6e.2xlarge and g6e.4xlarge.

python --config-file configs/ec2.yml

Here is a description of all the command line parameters that are supported by the orchestrator:

  • --config-file - required, path to the orchestrator configuration file.
  • --ami-mapping-file - optional, default=ami_mapping.yml, path to a config file containing the region->instance type->AMI mapping
  • --fmbench-config-file - optional, config file to use with FMBench, this is used if the orchestrator config file uses the "{{config_file}}" format for specifying the FMBench config file. If you are benchmarking on SageMaker or Bedrock then parameter does need to be specified.
  • --infra-config-file - optional, default=infra.yml, config file to use with AWS infrastructure
  • --write-bucket - optional, default=placeholder, this parameter is only needed when benchmarking on SageMaker*, Amazon S3 bucket to store model files for benchmarking on SageMaker.
  • --fmbench-latest - optional, default=no, this parameter downloads and installs the latest version of FMBench from the GitHub repo rather than the latest released version from PyPi.
  • --fmbench-repo - optional, default=None, GitHub repo for FMBench (such as, if set then then this repo is used for installing FMBench rather than doing an FMBench install from PyPI. Default is None i.e. use FMBench package from PyPi.

Analyze the results

After the run is complete, you can generate analysis reports from the above experiments:

python analytics/ --results-dir results/llama3-8b-g6e --model-id llama3-8b --payload-file payload_en_3000-3840.jsonl --latency-threshold 2

The results are saved in fmbench-orchestrator/analytics/results/llama3-8b-g6e/ on your orchestrator EC2 instance, including summarization of the results, a heatmap that helps understand which instance type gives the best price performance at the desired scale (transactions/minute), etc. Below is one of the output tables about cost comparison. example_orchestrator_cost_comparison

How do I ...

The experiment configurations are specified in the config YML file, in the instances section. FMbench Orchestrator will run each experiment in parallel, and then collect the results from each experiment onto the orchestrator EC2 instance. See configuration guide for details on the orchestrator config file.

Benchmark for EC2

Take an existing config file from the configs folder, create a copy and edit it as needed. You would typically only need to modify the instances section of the config file to either modify the instance type and config file or add additional types. For example the following command line benchmarks the Llama3.1-8b models on g6e EC2 instance types.

python --config-file configs/ec2.yml

Benchmark for SageMaker

You can benchmark any model(s) on Amazon SageMaker by simply pointing the orchestrator to the desired FMBench SageMaker config file. The orchestrator will create an EC2 instance and use that for running FMBench benchmarking for SageMaker. For example the following command line benchmarks the Llama3.1-8b models on ml.g5 instance types on SageMaker.

# provide the name of an S3 bucket in which you want
# SageMaker to store the model files (for models downloaded
# from Hugging Face)
python --config-file configs/sagemaker.yml --fmbench-config-file fmbench:llama3.1/8b/config-llama3.1-8b-g5.2xl-g5.4xl-sm.yml --write-bucket $write_bucket

Benchmark for Bedrock

You can benchmark any model(s) on Amazon Bedrock by simply pointing the orchestrator to the desired FMBench SageMaker config file. The orchestrator will create an EC2 instance and use that for running FMBench benchmarking for Bedrock. For example the following command line benchmarks the Llama3.1 models on Bedrock.

python --config-file configs/bedrock.yml --fmbench-config-file fmbench:bedrock/config-bedrock-llama3-1.yml

Run cost / performance comparison between different types of EC2 instances

See configs/ec2.yml as an example for EC2 experiments. The instances section has 2 experiments, one using g6e.2xlarge and the other using g6e.4xlarge.

- instance_type: g6e.2xlarge
  <<: *ec2_settings    
  - fmbench:llama3/8b/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge.yml

- instance_type: g6e.4xlarge
  <<: *ec2_settings
  - fmbench:llama3/8b/config-llama3-8b-g6e.4xl-tp-1-mc-max-djl-ec2.yml

Note that the fmbench: lama3/8b/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge.yml and fmbench: llama3/8b/config-llama3-8b-g6e.4xl-tp-1-mc-max-djl-ec2.yml files are default config files provided in the FMbench repo. FMbench orchestrator use these config to launch EC2 instance and deploy the experiments on the launched EC2 instance.

An example of using customized fmbench config file is given in the Compare SageMaker against EC2 section below.

Run cost / performance comparison between SageMaker and EC2

LLM can be hosted on an SageMaker endpoint. This experiment requires the SageMaker endpoint already deployed.

You first need to write a FMBench config file for SageMaker. One option is to make a copy of config-llama3-8b-inf2-48xl-tp=8-bs=4-byoe.yml, and modify the values in the experiments section, such as the endpoint_name, instance_type and model_id. Then upload the edited config to your orchestrator EC2 instance.

The orchestrator config YML file should have the following:

- instance_type: m7a.xlarge   # SageMaker experiment 
  <<: *ec2_settings
  - PATH/TO/YOUR/edited_config.yml 
- instance_type: g6e.2xlarge  # EC2 experiment 
  <<: *ec2_settings    
  - fmbench:llama3/8b/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge.yml

Run cost / performance comparison between Bedrock and Sagemaker

See configs/bedrock.yml as an example for Bedrock experiments.

- instance_type: m7a.xlarge   # Bedrock experiment 
  <<: *ec2_settings
  - fmbench:bedrock/config-bedrock-llama3-1.yml

- instance_type: m7a.xlarge   # SageMaker experiment 
  <<: *ec2_settings
  - ~/fmbench-orchestrator/configs/byoe/config-llama3-8b-inf2-48xl-tp=8-bs=4-byoe.yml

The FMBench config file for Bedrock is fmbench:bedrock/config-bedrock-llama3-1.yml. You can also customize this config and upload your .yml file to the orchestrator EC2 instance.

Use custom datasets

Please see ec2_custom_dataset.yml for an example config file. The custom data is uploaded to the ~/fmbench-orchestrator/byo_dataset folder on the orchestrator EC2 instance, specified in the upload_files section.

- instance_type: g6e.2xlarge
  <<: *ec2_settings
  - /home/ubuntu/fmbench-orchestrator/byo_fmbench_configs/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge_eval.yml
  - local: byo_dataset/custom.jsonl       ## your custom dataset
    remote: /tmp/fmbench-read/source_data/
  - local: analytics/pricing.yml
    remote: /tmp/fmbench-read/configs/

Please see the custom.jsonl file for data format example. Note that language needs to be set to 'en' to be compatible with the default config files.

Use an existing FMBench config file but modify it slightly for my requirements

  1. Download an FMBench config file from the FMBench repo and place it in the configs/fmbench folder.

  2. Modify the downloaded config as needed.

  3. Update the instance -> fmench_config section for the instance that needs to use this file to point to the updated config file in fmbench/configs so for example if the updated config file was config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge-custom.yml then the following parameter:

    - fmbench:llama3/8b/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge.yml

    would be changed to:

    - configs/fmbench/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge-custom.yml

    The orchestrator would now upload the custom config on the EC2 instance being used for benchmarking.

Compare the accuracy when predicting on custom dataset

FMBench-orchestrator supports for evaluating candidate models using Majority Voting with a Panel of LLM Evaluators (PoLL). Before running the experiment, please enable model access in Bedrock to the judge models: Llama3-70b, Cohere command-r-v1 and claude 3 Sonnet.

First, create a config file specifying accuracy measurement related info, such as ground_truth, question_col_key. You can copy config-llama3.1-8b-g5.2xl-g5.4xl-sm.yml as an example, and modify based on your experiment.

Here are the parameters to update in this config file:

    0_setup.ipynb: yes
    1_generate_data.ipynb: yes
    2_deploy_model.ipynb: yes
    3_run_inference.ipynb: yes
    4_get_evaluations.ipynb: yes     # Make sure to set this step to "yes".
    5_model_metric_analysis.ipynb: yes
    6_cleanup.ipynb: yes

  - input
  - context
  ground_truth_col_key: answers      # The name of the answer field in your custom data 
  question_col_key: input            # The name of the question field in your custom data 

Provide a custom prompt/custom tokenizer for my benchmarking test

The instances section has an upload_files section for each instance where we can provide a list of local files and remote directory paths to place any custom file on an EC2 instance. This could be a tokenizer.json file, a custom prompt file, or a custom dataset. The example below shows how to upload a custom pricing.yml and a custom dataset to an EC2 instance.

- instance_type: g6e.2xlarge
  <<: *ec2_settings
  - fmbench:llama3/8b/config-ec2-llama3-8b-g6e-2xlarge.yml
   - local: byo_dataset/custom.jsonl
     remote: /tmp/fmbench-read/source_data/
   - local: analytics/pricing.yml
     remote: /tmp/fmbench-read/configs/

See ec2_llama3.2-1b-cpu-byodataset.yml for an example config file. This file refers to the synthetic_data_large_prompts and a custom prompt file prompt_template_llama3_summarization.txt for a summarization task. You can edit the dataset file and the prompt template as per your requirements.

Benchmark multiple config files on the same EC2 instance

Often times we want to benchmark different combinations of parameters on the same EC2 instance, for example we may want to test tensor parallelism degree of 2, 4 and 8 for say Llama3.1-8b model on the same EC2 machine say g6e.48xlarge. Can do that easily with the orchestrator by specifying a list of config files rather than just a single config file as shown in the following example:

- fmbench:llama3.1/8b/config-llama3.1-8b-g6e.48xl-tp-2-mc-max-djl.yml
- fmbench:llama3.1/8b/config-llama3.1-8b-g6e.48xl-tp-4-mc-max-djl.yml
- fmbench:llama3.1/8b/config-llama3.1-8b-g6e.48xl-tp-8-mc-max-djl.yml

The orchestrator would in this case first run benchmarking for the first file in the list, and then on the same EC2 instance run benchmarking for the second file and so on and so forth. The results folders and fmbench.log files for each of the runs is downloaded at the end when all config files for that instance have been processed.

In case you are curious

Below is the conceptual architecture of the FMBench Orchestrator. fmbench_architecture


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This project is licensed under the MIT-0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Run FMBench simultaneously across multiple Amazon EC2 machines to benchmark an FM across multiple serving stacks simultaneously



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