Welcome to the IRC project at School 42. A project make in collaboration with @Alessio-scat and @Lucas-Ve This project involves implementing an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client and server using the C++ programming language. The goal is to create a networked instant messaging system that enables communication between multiple users through channels.
- Client connection management
- Creation and management of channels
- Handling common IRC commands (JOIN, PART, PRIVMSG, etc.)
- User privilege management
- Put mode in a channel (MODE +i +o +l +k +t)
- Server connection
- Joining and leaving channels
- Sending private and public messages
- Listing connected users
- Operating System: Linux (the project was developed and tested on Linux but can be adapted to other operating systems)
- Compiler: GCC
- Dependencies: No external dependencies
- Install HexChat for a simple and graphic IRC Client
git clone https://github.com/axelvag/IRC_server.git IRC_server
cd IRC_server/
$ make
$ ./ircserver [port between 2000 and 60000] [password]
Now the server waits for client connections !
We use two different logiciel to simulate a client:
- HexChat (It provides a graphical interface that makes it easy to join channels, participate in discussions, and manage various aspects of the IRC experience)
- NetCat/nc (Is a versatile networking utility commonly used for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP in command line, less visual)
Start logiciel
Enter a Nickname and Username
Create a new Network
Edit him:[same PORT than the ircserver]
Put the same password than the ircserver
Then connect
enter "/join #channel"
$ nc localhost [port]
$ PASS [password]
$ NICK [name]
$ USER [name]
$ JOIN #channel
TADAMMMMM !!! You are in your channel, you can talk now.
To see our subject clic here