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axunonb edited this page Feb 6, 2022 · 1 revision

The PluralFormatter uses language-specific pluralization rules to choose different text for singular and plural forms. Some languages can have as many as 5 different forms.


Smart.Format("There {0:plural:is 1 item|are {} items}.", number);
// outputs "There is 1 item." or "There are 2 items."

Syntax details

{ Number : plural(lang) : singular | plural | more... }

Number :plural (lang) singular plural more...
Any Number, like int or double "plural" or "p" or implicit 2-letter language code the singular text the plural text more plural forms
  • English has two plural forms: 1 is singular, everything else is plural.
    However, some languages have complex rules, with as many as 6 plural forms! Special cases for 0, 2-4, or singular used for 21, 31, etc.
    So, for these languages, you should specify all plural forms, in smallest-to-largest order (eg. zero|one|two|few|many)
  • The default language rule is english. To use a specific rule, there are 3 ways:
  • Change the default: Smart.Default.GetFormatterExtension<PluralLocalizationFormatter>().DefaultTwoLetterISOLanguageName = "ru";
  • Supply a culture info: Smart.Format(GetCultureInfo("ru"), "{0:банан|банана|бананов}", args...)
  • Specify the (lang) like this: {0:plural(ru):банан|банана|бананов}
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