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Import Azerion Unity package

  • via Assets-> Import Package -> Custom Package... menu

Configure AdMob App ID

  • Open Azerion Ads configuration dialog via AzerionAds -> Configuration menu
  • Enter AdMob App Id for Android and iOS

NOTE During pre-build and post-build we check AdMob App Id configuration. So if you didn't configure it then during building project plugin will throw exception in console and display the configuration dialog.

Configure iOS Project

After exporting the iOS Xcode project you need to add SKAdNetworkItems key with SKAdNetworkIdentifier values. For google AdMob it is cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork and you must have to add additional buyers identifier.


Dependency management

For dependency resolution we are using External Dependency Manager for Unity(EDM4U).

For Android dependency management

  • Uncheck EDM4U patching from Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Settings
  • Open the file baseProjectTemplate.gradle file in Assets/Plugins/Android. If you don't have such a file, go to Project Settings->Publishing Settings and enable the baseProjectTemplate gradle option.
  • Add or merge the following section.
    allprojects {
        repositories {
        flatDir {
        dirs "${project(':unityLibrary').projectDir}/libs"
        maven { url "" }
  • Add mainTemplate.gradle. Go to Project Settings->Publishing Settings and enable the mainTemplate gradle option.
  • Assets/Azerion/Ads/Editor/AzerionAdsDependencies.xml file has already contains the necessary dependencies for Azerion android Ads SDK. If you need to add new one or change the version of an existing one, you can do there.

        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec="io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1"/>
        <androidPackage spec="io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.19"/>
        <androidPackage spec="com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828"/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>
        <androidPackage spec=""/>


iOS Dependency Management

Install cocoapods in your Mac using following command:

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Enable cocoapods integration from

Assets --> External Dependency Management --> iOS Resolver --> Settings

Update the AzerionAdsDependencies.xml file with required third party dependencies if needed.

        <iosPod name="Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK" version="~> 8.8.0" bitcodeEnabled="true"
                minTargetSdk="6.0" addToAllTargets="false" />
        <iosPod name="GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK" version="~> 3.14.3" bitcodeEnabled="true"
                minTargetSdk="6.0" addToAllTargets="false" />


Create the SDK default ad config


At runtime SDK downloads the ad configuration for the app based on thePackage Name. You can create a offline default ad configuration file for the app via AzerionAds -> Configuration -> Android -> Create configuration options. What it does that behind the scene it download the current snapshot of the SDK config for this app from backend and create the default_azerion_sdk_config.json file in /Assets/Azerion/Ads/Editor/Configuration/Android directory. Whenever SDK failed to fetch the ad configuration from backend it will use the offline default ad config for ad serving.


Same for iOS, SDK downloads the ad configuration for the app based on theBundle Identifier. You can create a offline default ad configuration file for the app via AzerionAds -> Configuration -> iOS -> Create configuration options. It creates the default_azerion_sdk_config.json file in /Assets/Azerion/Ads/Editor/Configuration/iOS directory.

Initialize Azerion Ads SDK

public class AzerionAdsController : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Initialize the Azerion Ads SDK.
        var settings = new Settings(withUserConsent:false, gdprConsentString:"", isCoppaCompliant:false, isTestModeEnabled:true, isDebugModeEnabled:true);
        Debug.Log("Start Initializing the Azerion Ads SDK");
        AzerionAds.Initialize(HandleInitCompleteAction, settings);

    private void HandleInitCompleteAction(InitializationStatus initializationStatus)
        // ImproveDigital, AdMob adapters status
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AdapterStatus> adapterStateEntry in initializationStatus.getAdapterStatusMap())
            Debug.Log("AdapterName: " + adapterStateEntry.Value.Name + " AdapterStatus: " +

NOTE You can only request Ad after SDK successfully finished initialization.

Banner Ad

public class AzerionAdsController : MonoBehaviour
  private BannerAd _bannerAd;
  private void RequestBannerAd()
        var adUnitId = "22358747";

        // Create a Smart banner at bottom of the screen
        _bannerAd = new BannerAd(adUnitId, AdSize.BANNER, AdPosition.Bottom);

        // Add Event Handlers
        _bannerAd.OnAdLoaded += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("Ad Loaded");
            // Show the banner ad 
        _bannerAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("errorCode: " + args.ErrorCode + " message: " + args.Message + " errorContext: " +
        _bannerAd.OnAdClosed += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("OnAdClosed"); };
        _bannerAd.OnAdDisplayed += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("Ad Displayed"); };
        _bannerAd.OnAdFailedToDisplay += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("errorCode: " + args.ErrorCode + " message: " + args.Message + " errorContext: " +

        _bannerAd.OnAdHide += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("OnAdHide"); };

        _bannerAd.OnAdLeftApplication += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("OnAdLeavingApplication"); };

        // Load a banner ad

Interstitial Ad

public class AzerionAdsController : MonoBehaviour
    private InterstitialAd _interstitialAd;
    private void RequestInterstitialAd()
        string vastAdUnitId = "22328044";
        string staticAdUnitId = "22371036";
        _interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(vastAdUnitId, staticAdUnitId);
        // Add Event Handlers
        _interstitialAd.OnAdLoaded += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("Ad Loaded");
        _interstitialAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("errorCode: " + args.ErrorCode + " message: " + args.Message + " errorContext: " +
        _interstitialAd.OnAdClosed += (sender, args) =>
        _interstitialAd.OnAdDisplayed += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("Ad Displayed"); };
        _interstitialAd.OnAdFailedToDisplay += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("errorCode: " + args.ErrorCode + " message: " + args.Message + " errorContext: " +
        _interstitialAd.OnAdLeavingApplication += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("OnAdLeavingApplication"); };
        Debug.Log("Load Interstitial Ad");

NOTE ImproveDigital first try to fill the interstitial placement with video ad if no video ad is available then it try to fill it with static interstitial. Fot this reason we are taking two Ad Unit Ids.

Rewarded Ad

public class AzerionAdsController : MonoBehaviour
    private RewardedAd _rewardedAd;
    private void RequestRewardedAd()
        string adUnityId = "22328044";
        _rewardedAd = new RewardedAd(adUnityId);
        // Add Event Handlers
        _rewardedAd.OnAdLoaded += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("Ad Loaded");
        _rewardedAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("errorCode: " + args.ErrorCode + " message: " + args.Message + " errorContext: " +
        _rewardedAd.OnAdClosed += (sender, args) =>
        _rewardedAd.OnAdDisplayed += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("Ad Displayed"); };
        _rewardedAd.OnAdFailedToDisplay += (sender, args) =>
            Debug.Log("errorCode: " + args.ErrorCode + " message: " + args.Message + " errorContext: " +
        _rewardedAd.OnAdLeavingApplication += (sender, args) => { Debug.Log("OnAdLeavingApplication"); };
        _rewardedAd.OnUserRewardEarned += (sender, args) =>
            if (args != null)
                Debug.Log("OnUserRewardEarned reward amount: " + args.Amount);

#AdMob FullScreen Ad Scaling Issue on Android

If you use the following resolution and presentation setting in your game then you may face the above problem, because by default AdMob use Translucent theme for it's AdActivity which allow see through.

To solve this problem you have to override the Translucent behaviour of the AdActivity Here are the steps you need to follow

  • Add Custom Main Manifest

  • Override Translucent behaviour of the AdActivity

<manifest package="com.unity3d.player" xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="">
                tools:replace="android:theme" />

Android platform

Add library AAR files into project

Android SDK stack has two AAR artifacts azerion-sdk-ads-core-x.x.x.aar and azerion-sdk-ads-mediation-admob-1.0.0.aar. If you want to integrate both ImproveDigital and AdMob ad networks then you will have to add both these artifacts otherwise only ad azerion-sdk-ads-core-x.x.x.aar.

Currently we are not publishing our artifacts on public repo like maven central, so you will have to add those manually.

Copy Azerion Ads library AAR files into your libs folder.
Also add the corresponding dependencies into your app's build.gradle.

dependencies {
    implementation(name: 'azerion-sdk-ads-core-1.0.0', ext:'aar')
    implementation(name: 'azerion-sdk-ads-mediation-admob-1.0.0', ext:'aar')

Add AdMob App Id

Add your AdMob app ID (identified in the AdMob UI) to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file.


Initialize Ads SDK

App developer should get the user consent for EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Settings settings = new Settings();
        // For debug log
        // In test mode SDK will use AdMob test AdUnit IDs.
        // If you want to test with real Ad make this settings false
        // and add your device as a test device in your AdMob account.
        AzerionAds.initialize(this, settings, new OnAzerionAdsInitializationCompleted() {
            public void onInitializationCompleted(InitializationStatus status) {



NOTE You can load ad after successfull initialization.

Banner Ad

  • Add the BannerAdView into app layout.
    • Via layout xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""
        app:placementId="22358747" />
public class BannerFragment extends Fragment {
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ConstraintLayout view = (ConstraintLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_improve_digital_banner, container, false);
        bannerAdView = (BannerAdView) constraintLayout.findViewById(;
        bannerAdView.setBannerAdEventListener(new BannerAdView.BannerAdEventListener() {
        public void onAdDisplayed(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}

        public void onAdLoaded(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}

        public void onAdFailedToLoad(BannerAdView bannerAdView, AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {}

        public void onAdFailedToDisplay(BannerAdView bannerAdView, AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {}

        public void onAdClosed(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}

        public void onAdLeftApplication(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}
  • Programmatically
public class BannerFragment extends Fragment {
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ConstraintLayout view = (ConstraintLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_improve_digital_banner, container, false);
        bannerAdView = new BannerAdView(getContext());
        bannerAdView.setBannerAdEventListener(new BannerAdView.BannerAdEventListener() {
            public void onAdDisplayed(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}

            public void onAdLoaded(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}

            public void onAdFailedToLoad(BannerAdView bannerAdView, AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {}

            public void onAdFailedToDisplay(BannerAdView bannerAdView, AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {}

            public void onAdClosed(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}

            public void onAdLeftApplication(BannerAdView bannerAdView) {}
        ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
        layoutParams.startToStart = ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.PARENT_ID;
        layoutParams.endToEnd = ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.PARENT_ID;
        layoutParams.bottomToBottom = ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.PARENT_ID;
        constraintLayout.addView(bannerAdView, layoutParams);
  • Load Banner Ad
  • Destroy : when you longer needed the BannerAdView it's better to destroy it for avoding memory leak.

Interstitial Ad

interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(vastAdUnitId, staticAdUnitId, new InterstitialAdListener() {
    public void onAdLoaded() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Ad loaded");;

    public void onAdFailedToLoad(AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Ad failed to load with message: " + azerionAdsError.getMessage());

    public void onAdFailedToDisplay(AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Ad failed to load with message: " + azerionAdsError.getMessage());

    public void onAdLeftApplication() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onAdLeftApplication");

    public void onAdClosed() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Ad closed");

    public void onAdDisplayed() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Ad displayed");

Destroy the Ad when you longer needed it via


NOTE : ImproveDigital first try to fill the interstitial placement with video ad if no video ad is available then it try to fill it with static interstitial. Fot this reason we are taking two Ad Unit Ids.

Rewarded Ad

rewardedVideoAd = new RewardedVideoAd(adUnitId, new RewardedVideoAdListener() {
            public void onAdLoaded() {

            public void onAdFailedToLoad(AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Ad failed to load with message: " + azerionAdsError.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

            public void onAdFailedToDisplay(AzerionAdsError azerionAdsError) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Ad failed to display with message: " + azerionAdsError.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

            public void onUserRewardEarned(RewardItem rewardItem) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Reward earned!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Destroy the Ad when you longer needed it via


iOS platform

Automatic integration

Currently we are not supporting any Automatic integration using cocoapods or carthage.

Manual integration

Drag and drop the AzerionAds.framework and AzerionAdsResources.bundle file in your xcode project. Add AzerionAds.framework as a Embeded framework. If you want to show AdMob ads then you need to integrate AdMob frameworks also. You can do that either by adding the frameworks manually or by using cocoapods. You will found complete instructions of adding AdMob here: AdMob integration in xcode project

Initialize AzerionAds SDK

App developer should get the user consent for EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    AZASettings *settings = [[AZASettings alloc] init];
    settings.withUserConsent = true;
    settings.isCOPPACompliant = true;
    settings.gdprConsentString = @"GdprConsentString";
    [AzerionAds initializeWithSettings:settings withInitializationStatusHandler:^(AZAInitializtionStatus * _Nonnull status) {
    return YES;

NOTE You can load ad after successfull initialization.

Banner Ad

Using Storyboard

Add an UIView as a subview and assign AZABannerView as class of that view from Identity Inspector. Add outlet for the banner view

@property (retain, nonatomic) IBOutlet AZABannerView *bannerView;
    self.bannerView.adUnitId = @"YOUR_BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE"
    self.bannerView.adSize = kAZASizeFullBanner;
    self.bannerView.rootViewController = self;
    self.bannerView.delegate = self;


    self.bannerView = [[AZABannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kAZASizeFullBanner];
    self.bannerView.adUnitId = @"YOUR_BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE"
    self.bannerView.rootViewController = self;
    self.bannerView.delegate = self;

Implement AZABannerViewDelegate delegates

- (void)bannerViewDidReceiveAd:(AZABannerView *)bannerView {
- (void)bannerView:(AZABannerView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(AZAAdError *)error {
- (void)bannerViewDidRecordImpression:(AZABannerView *)bannerView {

- (void)bannerViewDidLeftApplication:(AZABannerView *)bannerView {

- (void)didOpenedBannerView:(AZABannerView *)bannerView {

Load Banner Ad

[self.bannerView loadAd];

Interstitial Ad

self.interstitialAd = [[AZAInterstitialAd alloc] initWithVideoAdUnitId:@"YOUR_INTERSTITIAL_VIDEO_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE" withStaticAdUnitId:@"YOUR_INTERSTITIAL_STATIC_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE"];
self.interstitialAd.delegate = self;

Implement AZAInterstitialAdDelegate delegates

-(void)onLoadAd:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad {

-(void)onFailedToLoadAd:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad withError:(AZAAdError *)error {

-(void)onClickedAd:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad {

-(void)onDisplayedAd:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad {

-(void)onFailedToDisplayAd:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad withError:(AZAAdError *)error {

-(void)onAdImpression:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad {

-(void)onClosedAd:(AZAInterstitialAd *)ad {


Load interstitial ad

[self.interstitialAd loadAd];

Show interstitial ad

[self.interstitialAd presentFromRootViewController:viewController];

Rewarded Ad

self.rewardedAd = [[AZARewardedAd alloc] initWithAdUnitId:placementId delegate:delegate];
self.rewardedAd.delegate = self;

Implement AZARewardedAdDelegate delegates

-(void)onLoadRewardedAd:(AZARewardedAd *)ad {
-(void)onFailedToLoadRewardedAd:(AZARewardedAd *)ad withError:(AZAAdError *)error {

-(void)onDisplayedRewardedAd:(AZARewardedAd *)ad {

-(void)onFailedToDisplayRewardedAd:(AZARewardedAd *)ad withError:(AZAAdError *)error {

-(void)onDismissRewardedAd:(AZARewardedAd *)ad {

-(void)onRewardEarned:(AZARewardedAd *)ad rewardItem:(AZARewardItem *)rewardItem {


Load rewarded ad

[self.rewardedAd loadAd];

Show rewarded ad

[self.rewardedAd presentFromRootViewController:viewController];


No description, website, or topics provided.






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