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Deploying and configuring a Zenith server

The only supported deployment mechanism for Zenith is to use Helm to deploy on a Kubernetes cluster.

Zenith makes heavy use of Kubernetes Ingress resources, and some of the optional features (e.g. the authentication and authorization callout) require the NGINX Ingress Controller specifically.

See Zenith Architecture for more detail.

This document describes the most commonly used configuration options, which will be sufficient for the vast majority of cases. For more advanced configuration requirements, see the values.yaml for the chart and the configuration objects for the sshd and sync components.



This documentation assumes that you are already familiar with Helm and Kubernetes, and have a Kubernetes cluster available for your Zenith deployment that has the NGINX Ingress Controller installed.

A wildcard DNS entry must also exist for the domain that Zenith will use to expose services, and that DNS entry should point to the Kubernetes Ingress Controller. Zenith will not manage this for you.

For example, if Zenith is given the base domain then a wildcard DNS entry must exist for * that points to the Kubernetes Ingress Controller, and services will be exposed as,, etc. The registrar will be exposed as

If you wish to use cert-manager to automatically request and renew TLS certificates for Zenith services, it must be installed before you deploy Zenith. You will also need to configure an issuer for Zenith to consume. Zenith will not manage this for you.

Generating a signing key for the Registrar

As mentioned in Zenith Architecture, the Zenith Registrar uses an HMAC to ensure the data integrity and authenticity of the tokens that it issues without requiring a database. To do this it requires a key that, if compromised, would allow an attacker to construct a valid token for any subdomain that they like. As such, the signing key should be kept secure and be long (at least 32-bytes is recommended) and random, e.g.:

openssl rand -hex 32

Installing and upgrading Zenith

The following is a minimal Helm values file for a Zenith deployment:

# values.yaml

    # Services will be made available as [subdomain]
    # TLS is disabled (services will use HTTP only)
      enabled: false

    # The subdomain signing key
    subdomainTokenSigningKey: "<secure signing key>"

Zenith can then be deployed using the following commands:

# Install the Zenith Helm repository
helm repo add zenith

# Check for available versions
# Usually, the latest tag or latest commit to main should be used
helm search repo zenith --devel --versions

# Install Zenith using configuration from "values.yaml"
helm upgrade zenith zenith/zenith-server --version ${version} -i -f values.yaml

To discover the IP address for the Zenith SSHD service, use kubectl get service and look at the EXTERNAL-IP field.

To change the configuration of your Zenith server, modify values.yaml and re-run the helm upgrade command. To upgrade Zenith, re-run the helm upgrade command specifying the version that you wish to upgrade to. In both cases, the update should happen with near-zero downtime - the SSHD and registrar deployments are configured to allow a rolling upgrade, however the sync component is terminated before the next iteration is started in order to avoid races. Any existing Zenith client connections will be terminated, but if the clients are configured to restart automatically then they should re-connect to an updated SSHD instance automatically.

Many of the options for values.yaml are described in the rest of this document.

Specifying the IngressClass

Zenith must be told what IngressClass to use for the Ingress resources that it creates for services and for the registrar. This is specified with the following:

    className: public

The default value is nginx, which is the name of the ingress class created when the NGINX Ingress Controller is installed with the official Helm chart using the default values. You can see the ingress classes available on your cluster using kubectl get ingressclass (most will only have one).

Exposing SSHD

The SSHD component is responsible for establishing secure tunnels with Zenith clients. SSH is a TCP protocol which cannot be exposed via the Kubernetes Ingress Controller, so the primary decision is how to expose the SSHD service outside the Kubernetes cluster.

This can be done in two ways, depending on what is available for your Kubernetes cluster.

Using a LoadBalancer service

If available on your Kubernetes cluster, this is the recommended mechanism for exposing SSHD

It is also the default if not specified.

If supported on your Kubernetes cluster, Zenith can be configured to use a LoadBalancer service to expose SSHD outside the cluster.

This creates an external TCP load-balancer with a public virtual IP, and Zenith clients connect to the virtual IP. From there, they are routed to one of the Zenith SSHD instances.

LoadBalancer services are supported on most cloud providers, e.g. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and OpenStack (when Octavia is running). They can also be supported on bare-metal clusters using MetalLB.

To configure Zenith to use a LoadBalancer service for SSHD, use the following:

    type: LoadBalancer

By default, Zenith will use port 22 on that load-balancer for the SSHD service. This can be changed by specifying sshd.service.port, but it is not recommended or necessary.

The virtual IP address for the load-balancer can be discovered using kubectl get service. Alternatively, on some cloud providers it is possible to specify the IP address to use for the load balancer. If this is supported, you can use the following configuration:

    loadBalancerIP: <ip address>

Using a NodePort service

As an alternative to a LoadBalancer service, Zenith can be configured to use a NodePort service to expose the SSHD service outside of the cluster.

For a NodePort service, Kubernetes allocates a port from it's node-port range (default 30000-32767) and proxies that port on each node to the service. It is up to you to set up load-balancing - worker nodes are not typically exposed to the internet so an edge proxy is likely to be required. It is also possible to specify a fixed port to use, in which case it is up to you to avoid collisions with other NodePort services on your cluster.

This approach works best for single-node Kubernetes clusters or bare-metal clusters where MetalLB is not viable and a custom load-balancer is deployed.

To configure Zenith to use a NodePort service for SSHD, use the following:

    type: NodePort
    # Optionally specify a fixed node-port
    nodePort: 32222

Scaling the SSHD and registrar services

The Zenith SSHD and registrar services support scaling the number of instances of each using sshd.replicaCount and registrar.replicaCount respectively. The default for both is 1.

This is particularly important for SSHD because each SSHD instance can only support a limited number of connections (small number of 1000s) because each connection requires a unique port for the remote port forwarding.

The Zenith SSHD service can be scaled up or down by setting the number of replicas:

  replicaCount: 3

Incoming connections will be spread across the instances by the load-balancer or node-port mechanisms (see above). When an instance dies, the clients that are connected to it will also be terminated (the instance should be replaced by Kubernetes). For a robust system, each client should be configured to restart when the connection is broken and will be assigned to a new instance when it reconnects. If a service is provided by a single client this will result in a short disruption, but the system should self-heal quickly.

Similarly, the registrar service can be scaled as follows:

  replicaCount: 3

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Zenith can perform TLS termination on behalf of the proxied services which, combined with the use of SSH tunnels, ensures that traffic is encrypted for the entire journey between the end user and the proxied service even if the service itself does not use TLS.

This can be configured by:

  1. Specifying the name of a Kubernetes secret containing a wildcard certificate for the Zenith base domain.
  2. Creating a cert-manager Certificate resource that automatically requests and renews a wildcard certificate.
  3. By specifying cert-manager annotations that will be applied to each Ingress resource that is created and instruct cert-manager to automatically request and renew a TLS certificate for each subdomain that is used.

The latter allows the use of cert-manager to obtain and renew TLS certificates automatically, including from Let's Encrypt.

Using a pre-existing wildcard certificate

If you have a pre-existing wildcard TLS certificate, you first need to create a TLS secret containing the certificate and private key. The certificate file must include the full certificate chain in order, with the most specific certificate at the top and the root CA at the bottom:

kubectl create secret tls zenith-wildcard-tls --cert=path/to/cert/file --key=path/to/key/file

Then configure Zenith to use that secret for the Ingress resources it creates:

      secretName: zenith-wildcard-tls


It is your responsibility to check for the expiry of the wildcard certificate and renew it when required.

Using a wildcard certificate managed by cert-manager

If you use one of the supported DNS providers, cert-manager can automatically request and renew a wildcard certificate from Let's Encrypt using the DNS-01 challange type.

To do this, you first need to create an issuer that uses the DNS-01 challenge type, then create a Certificate resource that refers to that issuer:

kind: Certificate
  name: apps-example-cloud
  # The issuer to use
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    name: letsencrypt-dns01
  # The signed certificate will be placed in this secret
  secretName: zenith-wildcard-tls
  # The DNS name
  commonName: "*"
    - "*"

This will result in cert-manager populating the secret zenith-wildcard-tls with the signed wildcard certificate, then keeping it renewed from then on. Zenith can then be configured to use this secret in the same way as for a manually-issued certificate:

      secretName: zenith-wildcard-tls

Using per-subdomain certificates managed by cert-manager

When cert-manager is installed and an issuer is configured, it is possible to specify annotations that will be added to every Ingress resource made by Zenith. These annotations instruct cert-manager to dynamically request a TLS certificate for the Ingress resource.

To configure annotations for the Ingress resources created by Zenith, use the following:

      annotations: name-of-issuer

This mechanism can be used to consume certificates issued by Let's Encrypt using the HTTP-01 challenge type.


Let's Encrypt applies a rate limit on the issuance of certificates that, at the time of writing, allows 50 certificates per week per Registered Domain. This means that even if Zenith has been given, the limit would apply to the whole of

Reserved subdomains

Zenith can be configured so that some subdomains are reserved and hence not available for Zenith clients to use. For example, the Azimuth portal uses this to reserve the subdomain used to expose the portal interface to prevent a malicious Zenith client replacing the portal interface with their own.

To configure reserved subdomains, use the following configuration:

    reservedSubdomains: [portal, metrics]


Zenith is capable of enforcing authentication and authorization for incoming requests using either OpenID Connect or an external auth service.

OpenID Connect

Zenith is able to natively apply OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication, with group-based authorization, for proxied services. This is implemented using oauth2-proxy.

Where clients have a specific OIDC issuer and client credentials that they want to use, they can specify those when initiating a connection (see Configuring the Zenith client). If given, client-specified credentials are used even if discovery credentials are also present.

However Zenith also supports discovery of OIDC credentials on the server side for the case where the server wishes to impose OIDC authentication (except where the client opts out of authentication completely). This mode allows an external controller to place secrets in the zenith-services namespace containing OIDC credentials for a service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  # The name is important
  name: oidc-discovery-{service subdomain}
  namespace: zenith-services
  client-id: <client id>
  client-secret: <client secret>
  # JSON-encoded list of group names that are permitted to access the service
  allowed-groups: |

The client must be created with http(s)://{service FQDN}/_oidc/callback as the redirect URI.

OIDC discovery is off by default. To enable it, use the following configuration:

        discoveryEnabled: true


When OIDC credential discovery is enabled, the creation of ingress resources for a service is delayed until the OIDC credential becomes available. This means that if the controller that writes the discovery secrets suffers a problem, services that are using OIDC credential discovery will remain unavailable until the problem is resolved.

The unavailability of an OIDC credential for one service will not block other services from becoming available.

External auth service

To support authentication methods other than OpenID Connect, Zenith is able to enforce authentication and authorization for incoming requests by consuming a pre-existing external auth service using an auth subrequest.

When external auth is configured, the Ingress resources that Zenith creates are annotated with information that tells NGINX to make an auth subrequest to the external auth service. The auth subrequest consists of the same request body and headers as the original request, and the auth service should make a decision about whether the request is permitted and return either a 401 (if no or invalid credentials are given), 403 (if valid credentials are given but permission is denied) or 200 (if the request should be allowed to proceed).

External auth is enabled by specifying the URL of the auth service. If the auth service is running in the same Kubernetes cluster, it can be a fully-qualified service URL (because the verification request is a subrequest coming from the NGINX Ingress Controller, not from the user's browser):

          url: http://auth-service.other-namespace.svc.cluster.local:8080/auth/verify/

It is also possible to specify the URL that the user should be redirected to if the auth service returns a 401, indicating that credentials are required. This URL is returned to the user's browser as a redirect, so it must be an external URL even if the auth service is also running in Kubernetes. It receives the original URL as a URL parameter (default next) so that it can redirect back when the user has authenticated:

          url: ...
          # The URL parameter that will contain the original URL
          # when the user is redirected (default "next")
          nextUrlParam: next_url

Using non-standard images

It is possible to specify different images used for the Zenith components, for example if the Zenith images are mirrored into an internal registry:

    repository: internal.repo/zenith/zenith-sync
    # The tag defaults to the appVersion of the chart
    tag: <valid tag>

    repository: internal.repo/zenith/zenith-sshd
    # The tag defaults to the appVersion of the chart
    tag: <valid tag>

    repository: internal.repo/zenith/zenith-registrar
    # The tag defaults to the appVersion of the chart
    tag: <valid tag>

Managing resource consumption

In a production environment, it is important to constrain the resources available to each container in order to prevent a rogue container starving other workloads on the cluster, or even taking down a node.

In Kubernetes, this is done using resource requests and limits. These can be set for the Zenith components using the Helm chart (the following values are just an example and not a recommendation!):

      cpu: 500m
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi

      cpu: 500m
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi

      cpu: 200m
      memory: 64Mi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 512Mi

Alternatively, you can use the Vertical Pod Autoscaler to set these values automatically based on observed usage.