Goodwill is a little tool that measures how much you give and take when it comes to code review. It answers the question: "do I review as much code for other people as they review for me?"
Try it out, or learn more, at!
This project started after I got very behind on reviewing pull requests. Following the principle "if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it", I wanted to make sure to track my code reviews so I wouldn't get behind again.
Here's the analysis of my code reviews at Addepar. I've improved!
Goodwill is an Ember app. You'll need git, node, bower, and ember-cli.
git clone [email protected]:azirbel/goodwill.git
cd goodwill
npm install
bower install
ember server
- Visit at http://localhost:4200.
grunt release-it:X.Y.Z
- Show a warning if rate-limiting is happening
- Ensure we are counting both "issue" and "review" comments
- Allow getting more than 100 objects from GitHub API using
- Tests to ensure scoring works as expected
MIT. See the license file.