You have 2 truns per try and 60 seconds to find the corresponding astronaut match - if you find all matches within the time frame you win - if not you lose!
- Html
- Css
- Javascript
- React
to run this project you need to install the following:
- Any cli - command prompt, Git Bash or Cmder(which comes with git installed)
- Git
- Node.js or nvm-windows (if using nvm make sure you don't have any versions of node installed and be sure to install the version of node you want to use prior to cloning this repo)
- Any text editor
This project is broken up into lesson branches. To access the lessons click on the branch dropdown. If you want to download the code for a specific lesson just select the branch and either download the zip or clone it to you computer.
- Feel free to check out the issues tab or create your own issue
- Wait for the issue to be assigned to you - once assigned you can start work on the issue
- Fork the repo and create a new branch for any issue that you are working on
- Create a pull request and add screenshots for review
please refer to the Contribution Guidelines
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This project is licensed under the MIT License