This project aims to be a strong foundation for easing the reachability to up to date details to the general consumer. This app is not the official app of Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Ltd. This is built using their public API and has no affiliation with Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Ltd Fuel Finder product.
- Make sure up-to-date fuel data is reachable to as many as people possible
- Making it easier for not tech savy people to access the data
- Node.js > 14 and npm (Recommended: Use nvm)
- Watchman
- Xcode 12
- Cocoapods 1.10.1
- JDK > 11
- Android Studio and Android SDK
- axios for networking.
- @expo/vector-icons for adding icons.
- react-navigation navigation library.
- react-query for fetching data and caching.
- recoil for state management.
- lottie-react-native for animations.
- react-native-big-list for list rendering.
Fuel Finder is licensed under Apache 2.0. We grant you a non-exclusive, royalty free license to use Fuel Finer logos, solely in connection with other implementations of Fuel Finder.