=== Vanco Direct Payment Processor ==
- Installation
Go to 'Manage Extensions' page and the extension will appear as 'Vanco Payments'. Install the extension
Go to Administer -> System Settings -> Payment Processors -> Add Payment Processor
This extension provides 2 payment processors:
Vanco Payments Credit Card
Vanco Payments ACH
You can add new payment processor(s) for either/both options
Add the Vanco credentials in the UserId and password fields
Configure events/contributions pages to use your new processor
- Recurring Payments Setup
Copy vanco.directpayment.processor/bin/vancoHistory.php to sites/all/modules/civicrm/bin directory
Call Vanco to configure the script path as "<site_url>/sites/all/modules/civicrm/bin/vancoHistory.php"
Vanco will start sending notifications for recurring payments to this script