Chatto 3.5.0
- Support of using compound bubble for text messages #578 by @magic146
- Support of custom menu presentation #584 by @AntonPalich
- Support of layout invalidation for compound bubble #586 by @Wisors
- Added accessibility identifier to text bubble #575 by @wiruzx
- Migrated existing objc classes to Swift #579 by @magic146
- Various compound bubble layout improvements #587 by @turbulem
- Added support for draft messages #580 by @aabalaban
- Added
method toChatInputBarDelegate
#591 by @magic146 - Improved cursor positioning #595 by @leonspok
- Added support of presenters reusing #596 by @magic146
- Added support for updating message in content presenters #605 by @wiruzx
- Fixed using correct uid for decorated item #570 by @magic146
- Fixed filtering content factories #588 by @Wisors
- Fixed issue with wrong text size calculation in compound bubble #589 by @AntonPalich
- Replaced ReadOnlyOrderedDictionary with ChatItemCompanionCollection in order to support correct uids #590 by @magic146
- Fixed updating
bounds in iOS 13 #592 by @magic146 - Fixed blurry images in the photo picker #594 by @magic146
- Limited maximum scale of preview photos #597 by @magic146
- Fixed calling completion in
method #599 by @leonspok - Fixed openning a link in a message #600 by @magic146
- Fixed out of bounds crash due to stirng encoding #603 by @turbulem
- Fixed implicitly animating layout #604 by @AntonPalich
- Fixed issues with non-selectable links in iOS 13 #606 by @AntonPalich
- Fixed simultaniously recognizing tap and long press #608 by @AntonPalich