Dimensional Speech Emotion Recognition by Using Acoustic Features and Word Embeddings using Multitask Learning
by Bagus Tris Atmaja, Masato Akagi
This paper has been published in APSIPA Transaction on Signal and Information Processing.
The majority of research in speech emotion recognition (SER) is conducted to recognize emotion categories. Recognizing dimensional emotion attributes is also important, however, and it has several advantages over categorical emotion. For this research, we investigate dimensional SER using both speech features and word embeddings. The concatenation network joins acoustic networks and text networks from bimodal features. We demonstrate that those bimodal features, both are extracted from speech, improve the performance of dimensional SER over unimodal SER either using acoustic features or word embeddings. A significant improvement on the valence dimension is contributed by the addition of word embeddings to SER system, while arousal and dominance dimensions are also improved. We proposed a multitask learning (MTL) approach for the prediction of all emotional attributes. This MTL maximizes the concordance correlation between predicted emotion degrees and true emotion labels simultaneously. The findings suggest that the use of MTL with two parameters is better than other evaluated methods in representing the interrelation of emotional attributes. In unimodal results, speech features attain higher performance on arousal and dominance, while word embeddings are better for predicting valence. The overall evaluation uses the concordance correlation coefficient score of the three emotional attributes. We also discuss some differences between categorical and dimensional emotion results from psychological and engineering perspectives.
The implementation of the algorithm proposed in the paper was conducted using Numpy, Keras (v2.3), and Tensorflow (v1.15).
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Architecture of the proposed dimensional SER with the main results.
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A copy of the paper is also archived at https://doi.org/10.1017/ATSIP.2020.14
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Since the dataset is not included, it is difficult to reproduce the result. However, the plot in the paper can be reproduced from the csv file in data directory.
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The manuscript text is not open source. The authors reserve the rights to the article content, which is currently published in the journal of APSIPA Transaction on Signal and Information Processing.
B. T. Atmaja and M. Akagi, “Dimensional speech emotion recognition from speech
features and word embeddings by using multitask learning,” APSIPA Transactions
on Signal and Information Processing, vol. 9, p. e17, 2020.