About me:
- π I graduated from Bryn Mawr College and majored in Computer Science and am currently a Masters student at the University of Pennsylvania as part of an Accelerated Masters program (BA+MS).
- π± I conduct NLP research at at Tokyo-based unicorn Reazon Holdings and Penn's Computational Social Listening Lab
- At Reazon, we recently released a new version of ReazonSpeech, the most accurate Japanese ASR model to date!
- At Penn, we're using machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing methods to uncover insights about social norms across cultures
- π I am interested in machine learning, specifically computer vision and natural language processing, and previously interned at NVIDIA under the DeepStream team, where I worked on multi-object tracking algorithms and low level optimization. I also conducted machine translation research at the Miyao research group of the University of Tokyo.
- I previously TAed for Penn's CIS4120/520 course (Human Computer Interaction)
- Most of the work I do does not use Github, so unfortunately, my profile may look a little less green than some others :(((
- π¬ Feel free to reach out about anything related to machine learning or systems!
- π« You can reach me via LinkedIn here or at [email protected]