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  • Fast: No overhead or attached window event listeners, uses pure CSS for resizing.
  • Compatible: Works great in IE9, and even loads in IE8 with polyfills. Early Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera supported too.



$ npm install --save vue-split-panel

Getting Started

// using ES6 modules
import VueSplit from 'vue-split-panel'

Usage Examples

A split with two elements, starting at 25% and 75% wide.

<Split style="height: 500px;">
    <SplitArea :size="25">
        panel left
    <SplitArea :size="75">
        panel right

A split with three elements, starting with even widths with 100px, 100px and 300px minimum widths, respectively.

<Split style="height: 500px;">
    <SplitArea :size="33" :minSize="100">
        panel left
    <SplitArea :size="33" :minSize="100">
        panel center
    <SplitArea :size="33" :minSize="300">
        panel right

A vertical split with two elements.

<Split style="height: 500px;" :direction="vertical">
        panel left
        panel center

Setting the gutter size to 20px.

<Split style="height: 500px;" :gutterSize="20">
        panel left
        panel center

Setting the snap offset to 20px (the distance at which the gutter snaps to either area's minSize).

<Split style="height: 500px;" :snapOffset="20">
        panel left
        panel center

Callbacks that can be added on drag (fired continously), drag start and drag end. If doing more than basic operations in onDrag, add a debounce function to rate limit the callback.

<Split style="height: 500px;" @onDragEnd="onDragEnd" @onDragStart="onDragStart" onDrag="onDrag">
        panel left
        panel center
methods: {
    onDragStart (size) {
        console.log('Drag Start', size) // callback existing size
    onDrag (size) {
        console.log('on Drag', size) // callback new size
    onDragEnd (size) {
        console.log('Drag End', size) // callback new size

A Reset the panel and get new sizes

<Split style="height: 500px;" ref="mySplit">
        panel left
        panel center
methods: {
    Reset () {
    getSizes () {


Split props

Property Type Default Description
direction String 'horizontal' Direction to split: horizontal or vertical.
gutterSize Number 10 Gutter size in pixels.
snapOffset Number 30 Snap offset in pixels.

Split events

Event Name Description Return Value
onDrag Callback on drag. current size
onDragStart Callback on drag start. new size
onDragEnd Callback on drag end. new size

Split methods

Method Name Description Arguments
reset Reset panel. none

SplitArea props

Property Type Default Description
sizes Array Initial sizes of each element in percents or CSS values.
minSize Number or Array 100 Minimum size of each element.

Important Note

vue-split-panel does not set CSS beyond the minimum needed to manage the width or height of the elements.

Browser Support

This library uses Split.js. These features are supported in the following browsers:

Chrome logo Firefox logo Internet Explorer logo Opera logo Safari logo BrowserStack logo
22+ ✔ 6+ ✔ 9+ ✔ 15+ ✔ 6.2+ ✔ Sponsored ✔

Built With

  • Webpack - The web framework used
  • gulp - Automated development toolkit


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


VueJS wrapper for the great Split.js library.







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