RL 1.94 compatibility
Features & fixes:
- Fixed POV goal replays being broken if player gets demolished right before replay
- Added setting to display casual MMR in queue menu
- Added the ability to favorite plugins in the "plugins" menu for quick access
- Added the ability to properly preview goal explosions
- Added getters for video, controller and camera settings
- Added getters for loadout
- Added interface for plugins to render their own settings window using ImGui.
- Added simple http wrappers
- Fix for uniqueidwrappers corrupting occasionally
- Added support for remote event activation using kismets
- Added ability to make bots even dumber
- Added entrypoint to play a replay using filepath
- Other misc fixes (array wrapper iterator, 600 mmr notification, ability to unbind keys & more)
- Bunch of isnulls and bool operators added to classes that didn't have them yet