An API with (Flask+GraphQL+cron) to retrieve statistics from github users according to defined criteria. Data is updated using github actions cron job
Stack | Logo |
Docker | |
Flask | |
GraphQL | |
You must generate github token from your account to make requests.
After that add that token to the environments variable of your OS.
And also set env variable FLASK_DEBUG
to 0 for dev and 1 for prod
pip install -r requirements.txt
Also you can run the docker image with these commands
docker build . -t flask-graphql-github
docker run -e GITHUB_TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 -dp 5000:5000 flask-graphql-github
With this tool, you will be able to know for example who uses a certain language (go, python, java,...), retrieve all users from a location for your dataset for example, it can also help recruiters...
The API endpoints are listed below:
- Fetch all senegalese github contributions :
GET /users/contributions/senegal
- Search users by filter :
GET /users/search
- Retrieve user's info by this username :
GET /users/:username
There are some examples below:
Some senegalese stats
GET /users/contributions/senegal
"avatarUrl": "",
"contributionsCollection": {
"contributionCalendar": {
"totalContributions": 1581
"restrictedContributionsCount": 1581,
"totalCommitContributions": 0
"createdAt": "2017-09-22T22:31:30Z",
"location": "Senegal",
"login": "ibrahima92",
"name": "Ibrahima Ndaw"
"avatarUrl": "",
"contributionsCollection": {
"contributionCalendar": {
"totalContributions": 248
"restrictedContributionsCount": 56,
"totalCommitContributions": 86
"createdAt": "2017-05-28T21:46:10Z",
"location": "Dakar, Senegal",
"login": "ManuSquall",
"name": "Charles Emmanuel S. Ndiaye"
"avatarUrl": "",
"contributionsCollection": {
"contributionCalendar": {
"totalContributions": 358
"restrictedContributionsCount": 0,
"totalCommitContributions": 292
"createdAt": "2018-11-23T03:55:39Z",
"location": "Senegal,Dakar",
"login": "bambadiagne",
"name": "Ahmadou Bamba Diagne"
Complete users(Senegal) is available on: users.json
This query retrieve all users based on senegal and who have written python
GET /users/search?location=Senegal&language=python
"avatarUrl": "",
"bio": "Codito ergo sum",
"login": "dofbi",
"name": "dofbi.eth"
"avatarUrl": "",
"bio": null,
"login": "wilane",
"name": "Ousmane Wilane"
"avatarUrl": "",
"bio": "Software Developer Consultant",
"login": "EdgarEmmanuel",
"name": "Emmanuel Edgar"
"avatarUrl": "",
"bio": "Full Stack Dev - Entrepreneur - Tutor\r\n#theycallmeX\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n#code\r\n#imjustaletter\r\n@Tek-Tech ",
"login": "dev0ps221",
"name": "El Hadji Seybatou Mbengue"
If you want to fetch more,you must add the after field
We fetch an user with login :bambadiagne and we get informations like(most starred projet,profilePicture,website,...
GET /users/bambadiagne
"avatarUrl": "",
"bio": "Full-stack Developper Python-JS | Devops Enthusiast | CTF player",
"contributionsCollection": {
"contributionCalendar": {
"totalContributions": 359
"restrictedContributionsCount": 0,
"totalCommitContributions": 293
"email": "[email protected]",
"location": "Senegal,Dakar",
"login": "bambadiagne",
"most_starred_repo": {
"forkCount": 0,
"name": "github-user-stats",
"stargazerCount": 9
"most_used_languages": [
"name": "Ahmadou Bamba Diagne",
"twitterUsername": "AhmadouElkha",
"websiteUrl": ""
Click on the "Fork" button at the top right to create a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.
Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
Create branch from master, make changes and start PR