We are a group of researchers and engineers who are currently maintaining resources for Bangla Language Computing research as their volunteering effort. Some of the research work is from our earlier effort from CRBLP, BRAC University, which were made public during the period of 2007-2011. We realized that due to the lack of proper dissemination many researchers are not able to access these resources. Therefore, we took initiatives to maintain these resources. In addition, as a part of the continuous effort, we also aim to enrich them. In order to enrich Bangla language computing, we are also offering remote research internships to undergrad, masters and PhD students.
- https://github.com/banglanlp/bnlp-resources
- https://github.com/banglanlp/bangla-sentiment-classification
- https://github.com/Bangla-Language-Processing/Bangla-Speech-Corpora
- https://github.com/Bangla-Language-Processing/Katha-Bangla-TTS
- 📫 You can reach out to us by [email protected]
- For more information please visit: https://banglanlp.org/