Derived from Dylan's 100 Algo Course.
- my competency in core development concepts regardless of the programming language
- my ability to write in multiple programming languages and to translate between them with minimal effort
- I create two solutions for each challenge:
- both a Typescript solution as the course intends
- the equivalent solution in Python
- I occasionally add extra features to increase the flexibility and/or feature set of an algorithm
* Bolded solutions contain added flexibility/features, which are listed directly below it.
- absoluteValuesSumMinization
- add
- addBorder
- variable string lengths allowed
- border is space-padded for a cleaner look
- addTwoDigits
- allows passing an arbitrary number of digits instead of two
- can also accept a string of valid digits
- adjacentElementsProduct
- allLongestStrings
- almostIncreasingSequence
- alphabeticShift
- alphabetSubSequence
- alternatingSums
- areEquallyStrong
- areSimilar
- arrayChange
- arrayConversion
- arrayMaxConsecutiveSum
- arrayMaximalAdjacentDifference
- arrayPreviousLess
- arrayReplace
- avoidObstacles
- bishopAndPawn
- boxBlur
- candies
- caseInsensitivePalimdrome
- centuryFromYear
- characterParity
- checkPalindrome
- chessBoardCellColor
- chunkyMonkey
- circleOfNumbers
- commonCharacterCount
- companyBotStrategy
- compareIntegers
- composeRanges
- confirmEnding
- containsCloseNums
- containsDuplicates
- convertCelsiusToFahrenheit
- convertString
- crossingSum
- depositProfit
- differentSymbolsNaive
- digitDegree
- domainType
- electionWinners
- encloseInBrackets
- evenDigitsOnly
- extractEachKth
- extractMatrixColumn
- factorializeANumber
- fancyRide
- fareEstimator
- fermactor
- findClosestPair
- findEmailDomain
- firstDigit
- firstDuplicate
- firstNotRepeatingCharacter
- flattenArray
- growingPlant
- houseNumbersSum
- houseOfCats
- htmlEndTagByStartTag
- incorrectPasswordAttempts
- incrementalBackups
- integerToStringOfWixedWidth
- isLucky
- isTandemRepeat
- largestNumber
- largestOfFour
- lateRide
- launchSequenceChecker
- longestDigitsPrefix
- makeArrayConsecutive2
- matrixElementsSum
- maxMultiple
- mineSweeper
- minimalNumberOfCoins
- missingLetters
- mostFrequentDigitSum
- newNumeralSystem
- pagesNumberingWithInk
- palindromeRearranging
- pigLatin
- proCategorization
- properNounCorrection
- ratingThreshold
- reflectString
- reverseAString
- seatsInTheater
- seekAndDestroy
- shapeArea
- sortByHeight
- sortByLength
- squareDigitsSequence
- stolenLunch
- stringsConstruction
- sumAllPrimes
- sumOddFibonacciNums
- sumOfTwo
- switchLights
- tasksType
- uniqueDigitProducts
- validTime