This code read json file from domoticz ip and send the data to a web url.
The web url imports the data into a DB. Credentials.h holds all the settings, the main .ino, the logica code.
DSMR 5.0 P1 has eight active sensor readings (IDX), Gas, Power, Line voltage,Line usage, line delivery.
Starts with reading the gas data and then other power IDX.
Ends with the power data!
Important because these holds all the power data.
Only gas and full power data will be send to the url!
EzOutput is used for the led status.
Flash Green = send to url
Blinking Blue = connecting to wifi
Blinking Red = reconnecting wifi, after five attempts the esp reboots.
Three services are prsent.
on a webbrowser you go tto the ip of the ESP.
For example, that is a control screen
adding one of the follow:
/webserial => shows last url string that was posted
/update => OTA firmware update possibility.