SPSS Bundle for IBM SPSS Syntax files. Does very basic syntax highlighting for most commands and subcommands (based on the IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Command Syntax Reference). Includes a few handy snippets (e.g. for defining macros) and a command for loading the current file into SPSS.
- Bart Kamphorst
This bundle is not actively developed. After yet another expired license, I have decided to try my luck with R instead. However, if you have specific requests for this bundle, feel free to create a github issue and I'll see what I can do. Or, even better, fork the project, modify the bundle, and send me a pull request.
The quickest way to install the bundle is by using git on the command line.
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
git clone https://github.com/bartkamphorst/SPSS.tmbundle.git
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
Alternatively, the bundle may be installed graphically.
- Download the zip from https://github.com/bartkamphorst/SPSS.tmbundle/zipball/master.
- Unzip the downloaded zip file.
- Rename the unzipped directory to 'SPSS.tmbundle'.
- Double-click the 'SPSS.tmbundle' file.
- open TextMate and select the following menu item: Bundles > Bundle Editor > Reload Bundles
For the interaction with SPSS to work, make sure to define the TM_SPSS environment variable in TextMate and have it point to the stats command (by default found in the SPSS .app bundle under Contents/MacOS).