FIX (Foreign Information eXchange) protocol implementation in erlang.
Versions supported: R18 and up
This FIX protocol implementation based on XML FIX-protocol definitions provided by It is possible to have own/proprietary extenstion XML, which extends the quickfix's definition.
The library provides only serialization, deserialization and basic validation of FIX-messages and does not provides network layer. You have to build your own FIX-client/server.
% loading protocol
{ok, Protocol} = erlyfix_protocol:load("test/FIX44.xml"),
{ok, Protocol} = erlyfix_protocol:load("test/FIX44.xml", "test/extension-sample.xml"),
% message serialization
{ok, IoList} = erlyfix_protocol:serialize(Protocol, 'MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh', [
{'SenderCompID', <<"me">>}, % field
{'TargetCompID', <<"you">>},
{'MsgSeqNum', 1},
{'SendingTime', <<"20171109-16:19:07.541">>},
{'Instrument', [{'Symbol', <<"EURCHF">>}] }, % component
{'MDReqID', <<"31955:1510225047.01637:EURCHF">>},
{'MDFullGrp', [{'NoMDEntries', [ % group
[{'MDEntryType', <<"BID">>}]
% message deserialization
BinaryMessage = <<"8=FIX.4.4", 1, "9=102", 1, "35=A", 1,
"212=1", 1, "213=", 1, 1,"49=me", 1, "56=you", 1,
"34=1", 1, "52=20090107-18:15:16", 1, "98=0", 1, "108=60", 1, "384=2", 1,
"372=abc", 1, "385=S", 1, "372=def", 1, "385=R", 1, "10=232", 1
{ok, 'Logon', TagsMarkup, <<>>} = erlyfix_parser:parse(BinaryMessage, Protocol),
The fields BeginString
, BodyLength
, MsgType
and CheckSum
are managed by the library. They should not be provided for messages serialization.
TagsMarkup is flat list of tags uplifted to fields/groups/components. It is expected to be processed by lists:foldl/3
. Tagsmarkup is something like that:
{start, header, undefined},
{field, 'BeginString', F_BeginString, <<"FIX.4.4">>},
{field, 'BodyLength', F_BodyLength, 102},
{field, 'MsgType', F_MsgType, <<"A">>},
{field, 'XmlDataLen', F_XmlDataLen, <<"1">>},
{field, 'XmlData', F_XmlData, <<1>>},
{field, 'SenderCompID', F_SenderCompID, <<"me">>},
{field, 'TargetCompID',F_TargetCompID, <<"you">>},
{field, 'MsgSeqNum', F_MsgSeqNum, <<"1">>},
{field, 'SendingTime', F_SendingTime, <<"20090107-18:15:16">>},
{field, 'EncryptMethod', F_EncryptMethod, <<"0">>},
{field, 'HeartBtInt', F_HeartBtInt, <<"60">>},
{field, 'RefMsgType', F_RefMsgType, <<"abc">>},
{field, 'MsgDirection', F_MsgDirection, << "S">>},
{field, 'RefMsgType', F_RefMsgType, <<"def">>},
{field, 'MsgDirection', F_MsgDirection, <<"R">>},
{field, 'CheckSum', F_CheckSum, 232},
where F_*
is opaque field structure. Please note, that identations are for humans-only, the list itself is flat
Here is an example of folding tags markup:
-record(quote, {
-record(tick, {
{ok, IoList} = erlyfix_protocol:serialize(Protocol, 'MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh', [
{'SenderCompID', <<"me">>},
{'TargetCompID', <<"you">>},
{'MsgSeqNum', 1},
{'SendingTime', <<"20171109-16:19:07.541">>},
{'Instrument', [{'Symbol', <<"EURCHF">>}] },
{'MDReqID', <<"31955:1510225047.01637:EURCHF">>},
{'MDFullGrp', [{'NoMDEntries', [
[{'MDEntryType', <<"BID">>}, {'MDEntryPx', <<"1.07509">>},
{'MDEntrySize', <<"200000">>}, {'QuoteCondition', <<"OPEN">>},
{'MDEntryOriginator', <<"PromoXM">>, {'QuoteEntryID', <<"82837831">>}}],
[{'MDEntryType', <<"OFFER">>}, {'MDEntryPx', <<"1.07539">>},
{'MDEntrySize', <<"100000">>}, {'QuoteCondition', <<"OPEN">>},
{'MDEntryOriginator', <<"PromoXM1">>, {'QuoteEntryID', <<"82837832">>}}]
Msg = iolist_to_binary(IoList),
{ok, 'MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh', Markup, <<>>} = erlyfix_parser:parse(Msg, Protocol),
M2Q = fun(M) ->
price = maps:get(price, M),
volume = maps:get(volume, M),
source = maps:get(source, M)
F = fun(E, {Result, Stack} = Acc ) ->
case E of
{field, 'Symbol', _F, V} -> {ok, [ {symbol, V} | Stack ]};
{field, 'MDEntryType', F, V} ->
case erlyfix_fields:as_label(V, F) of
<<"BID">> -> {ok, [{bid, #{} } | Stack]};
<<"OFFER">> -> {ok, [{ask, #{}} | Stack]}
{field, 'MDEntryPx', _F, V} ->
[{Type, Map0} | T] = Stack,
Price = binary_to_float(V),
{ok, [ {Type, Map0#{price => Price} } | T ] };
{field, 'MDEntrySize', _F, V} ->
[{Type, Map0} | T] = Stack,
Volume = binary_to_integer(V),
{ok, [ {Type, Map0#{volume => Volume} } | T ] };
{field, 'MDEntryOriginator', _F, V} ->
[{Type, Map0} | T] = Stack,
{ok, [ {Type, Map0#{source => V} } | T ] };
{start,group,{'NoMDEntries',Count}} ->
case Count of
2 -> {ok, [{group, 'NoMsgTypes' } | Stack]};
_ -> {error, Stack}
{finish,group, {'NoMDEntries',2}} ->
[E1, E2, {group, 'NoMsgTypes' } | T] = Stack
{T1, M1} = E1,
Q1 = M2Q(M1),
{T2, M2} = E2,
Q2 = M2Q(M2),
case {T1, T2} of
{bid, ask} -> {ok, [Q1, Q2 | T]};
{ask, bid} -> {ok, [Q2, Q1 | T]}
{finish,trailer,_} ->
case Result of
ok ->
[Bid, Ask, {symbol, Symbol}] = Stack,
Tick = #tick{ bid = Bid, ask = Ask, symbol = Symbol },
{ok, Tick};
_ -> Acc
_ -> Acc
{ok, Tick} = lists:foldl(F, {ok, []}, Markup),
It is possible to map field binary value to human-readable binary, i.e. when F
points to MDEntryType
field, and V
contains <<"1">>
, it is possible to map it to binary<<OFFER>>
Label = erlyfix_fields:as_label(V, F).
(It is not possible to use atoms here, as the string description in XML-specification exceed possible atom length in Erlang).
In general it is assumed that you should use this library with tigth cooperation with XML-specifictions.
$ rebar3 compile
Apache 2 - FIX-client implementation as OTP-application, includes network layer.