This document is a work in progress and will probably never be "done". The economy, technology, culture, science, the climate and our world are rapidly changing. This doc will change with it.
We have done our best to post this work in a "finished" form. But frankly, there are unfinished sections, typos**,** errors with corrections and clarifications to be made. We welcome your feedback, comments, critique and involvement.
This gitbook is a cumulation of decades of experience, years of research, one whitepaper, multiple pitch decks and endless iteration.
This is not a pitch deck. This is not intended for a specific audience. It is everything about Basin in one place.
A Field Guide. A Field Manual. A catchment basin.
{% hint style="info" %}
We consider this the "Helping Friendly Book" of Basin. If you have questions about Basin we will do our best to answer but will most likely rhetorically ask:
"Di_d you check the Docs?_" {% endhint %}