Chat with any PDF using GPT3.5-turbo, faiss vector database and InstructorEmbedding. Uses around 3GB of GPU VRAM for the InstructorEmbedding model.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04
- Create a new conda env
conda create -n chatpdf python=3.9 -y
- Activate the conda env
conda activate chatpdf
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install faiss vector database
conda install -c conda-forge faiss-gpu
- Create a OpenAI account and get a OPENAI_API_KEY
Q) Why not use OpenAI Embeddings A) Please feel free to create a pull request to add support for it. I wanted to keep the project entirely open source but ultimately couldn't resist using GPT3.5-turbo
- Add support for other embeddings, chat models
- Improve the Prompts
- Show streaming response from GPT3.5-turbo
This code is based on two similar projects