A collection of Python tools for micro-Electronics Design Automation.
PuEDA in an acronym, but also stands for a conjugate for of the Spanish verb "poder" which means "can". The project was born as part of a group of scripts to test the cryptech ecdsa256 IP.
pip3 install pueda
pip3 install git+https://github.com/bat52/pueda.git@master
from pueda.edalize import icarus
icarus(simname='hello', top='hello_tb', src_dirs = ['./hello'])
from pueda.edalize import icarus
icarus(simname='counter', top='counter_tb', src_dirs = ['./counter/rtl','./counter/tb'], iverilog_options=['-g2005-sv'])
from pueda.pyverilator import pyverilator_wrapper
pv = pyverilator_wrapper(fname='./counter/rtl/counter.v', src_dirs=['./counter/rtl'], command_args = [], dump_en = False)
for _ in range(16):
print('count = %d' % pv.sim.io.count)
assert(pv.sim.io.count == 0)
from pueda.yosys import yosys
yosys(top='counter', src_dirs = ['./counter/rtl'], synth_en=True)
# gate count available in ./work_yosys/yosys.log
from pueda.common import *
# list2str : convert a list of strings into a single string
# get_source_files_alldir : returns a file list from a list of directories
# get_source_files: gets all rtl source files from a directory
# get_inc_list: returns a string appending -I to the input list of directories
# get_remote_files: donwload files from an internet url
# vcd_view: visualize a vcd or fst file with gtkwave
# get_clean_work: generate a clean work direactory for a specific tool
# write_file_lines: print a file to screen