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PennBook is a highly scalable implementation of the core functionalities of It uses a Node.js server, React.js for the frontend, and Hadoop libraries such Apache Spark along with AWS Elastic MapReduce for the Big Data functionalities.

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PennBook is an implementation of the core functionalities of It uses a Node.js server, React.js for the frontend, and Hadoop libraries such Apache Spark along with AWS Elastic MapReduce for the Big Data functionalities. Below are implementation details. The actual code is in a private repo per university policies. Feel free to reach out for more details.

Team Members


Login Page login

Registration Page login

Homepage login

news search Page login

profile Page login

Friend Network Visualizer Page login

Chat Page login

Spark Job Running on AWS EMR (Livy Interface) login


Users have the ability to create accounts, sign in and sign out, have a hashed password for security, and can change any of their interests, affiliation, or password. Users can create posts, friend other users, comment on posts, as well as like posts, articles, and comments.
Walls and Home Pages
Each user has their own wall that other people can post on and their status updates are displayed on. Each user's home page shows a feed of their friends' posts and status updates as well as two recommended news articles. The home page also shows a list of new friendships, friends who are online, and any pending friend requests. Users can start a chat session with any online friend from the home page. The wall contains all basic information about the user and a list of their friends.
Each user can create chats with other users, including group chats; notifications are sent when a chat is received, and unread chats show up as bolded for distinction. All chats are persistent and real-time if both users are online (using
Users can search for other users by name using the search bar, which queries a table that stores all possible prefixes for each user.
News Feeds
Each user has a news feed with relevant news articles. Articles are recommended to users based on their interests and which articles they have liked in the past, and all of these show up on the home page. In addition to these, users can search for news articles and will get relevant, sorted results. The recommendations system is run as a Spark job on Livy every hour and on trigger when a user changes their interests.
Extra Credit

  • Replicating Facebook style likes for posts
  • Liking comments and articles
  • Pending/Accepting friend requests
  • Chat Notifications (per message)

Source Files

client/ Comment.js, Home.js, HomeNavBar.js, Messages.js, NewsArticle.js, NewsFeed.js, Post.js, Profile.js, Signup.js, Visualizer.js, newsConstants.js, ports.js, auth.js, AuthRoute.js, Home.css, HomeNavBar.css, Login.css, MainNavBar.css, Messages.css, NewsFeed.css, Profile.css, Signup.css, utils.js, App.js, App.css

server/ accounts.js, articles_upload.js, articles-likes.js, articles.js, chats.js, comments-likes.js, friends.js, groups.js, posts_likes.js, posts.js, recommendations.js, account_routes.js, chat_routes.js, comments_likes_routes.js, friends_routes.js, login_routes.js, news_feed_routes.js, recommendations.js, search_routes.js, visualizer_routes.js, wall_home_routes.js, config.js, jwt.js, app.js


Third Party Libraries
(for Node server and React Frontend. Check spark/pom.xml for java dependencies)

  • Bcrypt - used for secure password hashing
  • React-graph-vis - used for visualizer
  • Ant-design - used for frontend design
  • UUIDv4 - used for generating UUIDs for chat ids and visualizer graphs
  • - used for realtime chat and notifications

Instructions for Building/Running App

System Requirements

  1. Node.js version 12.X
  2. Java JDK 15
  3. Maven 3.6.3
  • Make sure that all system requirements are met. Follow these links for Node, Java JDK, and Maven installations. It is critical that the versions match, especially for the Java JDK and Apache Maven.
  • In the server/ folder, run npm ci
  • In the client/ folder, run npm ci
  • In the client/ folder, run npm run build
  • In the client/ folder, run mv -f build ../server
  • In the spark folder, run mvn install
  • Loading the Database:
    • Download the articles json file as articles.json and put the file in the server folder. Then run shell command npm run upload-articles from the server folder.
    • Call the /getloadallkeywords route in order to populate the articles_keywords table
  • App Configurations:
    • Create server/.env and look into server/.env.dist for the format of the .env file. For example, if running locally, set SERVER_PORT=8000 and SERVER_IP=localhost
    • Navigate to client/utils/ports.js and set API_ENDPOINT to the correct host and port combination. For example, if running locally, set var API_ENDPOINT = "localhost:8000".
    • Create the folder .aws and put the credentials in .aws/credentials. Then, in, change the String livyURI to the corresponding cluster Livy URL. There is a TODO comment next to it. Finally, run mvn install, mvn compile, and then mvn package in the spark folder
  • Running the App - there are two options for running the application:
    1. Local: If running locally, open two terminal windows. In one of them navigate to client/ and run npm start. In the other terminal, navigate to server/ and run node app.js. You should see the application at localhost:3000.
    2. Deployed on EC2: If running on EC2, navigate to server/ and run npm run start-prod. You should see the application at <PublicIP>:80.

Database schema

We used DynamoDB. bold fields are keys. Partition keys are indicated

  • accounts

    • username - String (partition)
    • firstname
    • lastname
    • password
    • email
    • affiliation
    • dob
    • interests
    • last_active
  • article_likes_by_username

    • username - String (partition)
    • article_id - String (sort)
  • article_likes_by_article_id

    • article_id - String (partition)
    • username - String (sort)
  • articles_keyword

    • keyword - String (partition)
    • article_id - String (sort)
    • headline
    • url
    • date
    • authors
    • category
    • short_description
  • chat

    • _id - String (primary)
    • timestamp - Number (sort)
    • content
    • sender
    • sender_full_name
  • comment_likes

    • comment_id - String (partition)
    • username - String (sort)
  • comments

    • post_id - String (partition)
    • timestamp - Number (sort)
    • content
    • commenter_username
    • number_of_likes
    • commenter_full_name
  • friends

    • friendA - String (partition)
    • friendB - String (sort)
    • friendA_full_name
    • friendB_full_name
    • timestamp
    • sender
    • accepted
  • news_articles

    • article_id - String (partition)
    • date
    • authors
    • category
    • short_description
    • headline
    • link
    • num_likes
  • post_likes

    • post_id - String (partition)
    • username - String (sort)
  • posts

    • post_id - String
    • timestamp - Number
    • content
    • poster
    • postee
    • num_likes
    • num_comments
    • poster_full_name
    • postee_full_name
  • recommendations

    • username - String (partition)
    • article_ids
  • search_cache

    • query- String (partition)
    • articles
  • user_chat

    • username - String (partition)
    • _id - String (sort)
    • members
    • last_modified
    • is_group
    • last_read
  • user_search

    • prefix - String (partition)
    • username - String (sort)
    • fullname


PennBook is a highly scalable implementation of the core functionalities of It uses a Node.js server, React.js for the frontend, and Hadoop libraries such Apache Spark along with AWS Elastic MapReduce for the Big Data functionalities.




