I took my Cat-Clicker Project(Through Udacity) that I made previously, and re-wrote it with OOP(Object-Oriented Programing). Also I managed to incorporate MVO(Model/View/Octopus) into my JavaScript to keep the code organized.
- I just recently made the Cat Clicker Premium Pro version!
I'm using bootstrap to make the website responsive. I find it easier, and faster to get a fully responsive website.
- all of the images were taken by me. I did not get any photos or images off the internet.
You can:
- Click the Live-Link above
- Download/clone the repository
To download the repository simply:
- click "clone or download"
- Copy the SSH key, or HTTPS
- type git clone https://github.com/batwell31/cat-clicker-premium-vanilla.git (in your terminal)
- open the project folder in your directory
- drag index.html onto a browswer window
click the any of the 5 cat names on the application
- The name, picture, and click tracker will apear in the display area.
click on the picture of the cat, and the click tracker will record the total clicks
Click the 'Admin' button on the bottom of the screen.
- doing so will hide the Admin button and display a Admin Input section
Clicking the 'Cancle' button will hide the Admin Input Section, as well as clear out your text bar.
Fill in the Name, Img-URL, and #clicks section, and press the 'Save' button.
- doing so will change the name, img, and total clicks for your current cat.