Lighthouse.jl is a Julia package that standardizes and automates performance evaluation for multiclass, multirater classification models. By implementing a minimal interface, your classifier automagically gains a thoroughly instrumented training/testing harness (Lighthouse.learn!
) that computes and logs tons of meaningful performance metrics to TensorBoard in real-time, including:
- test set loss
- inter-rater agreement (e.g. Cohen's Kappa)
- PR curves
- ROC curves
- calibration curves
Lighthouse itself is framework-agnostic; end-users should use whichever extension package matches their desired framework (e.g.
This package follows the YASGuide.
To install Lighthouse for development, run:
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(url=""))'
This will install Lighthouse to the default package development directory, ~/.julia/dev/Lighthouse
Note that Lighthouse's LearnLogger
logs metrics to a user-specified path in TensorBoard's logdir
format. TensorBoard can be installed via python3 -m pip install tensorboard
(note: if you have tensorflow>=1.14
, you should already have tensorboard
). Once TensorBoard is installed, you can view Lighthouse-generated metrics via tensorboard --logdir path
where path
is the path specified by Lighthouse.LearnLogger
. From there, TensorBoard itself can be used/configured however you like; see for more information.
You can use alternative loggers, as long as they comply with the logging interface.