- initial ICMP ping: Prior to port scanning, the tool performs an ICMP ping to verify host connectivity.
- Nmap-like scans: Perform SYN, ACK, FIN, NULL, XMAS, and UDP scans to identify open ports and running services.
- Custom TCP flags: Customize scan behavior by specifying custom TCP flag combinations using the --flags option.
- Service detection: Attempts to identify potential services by comparing ports and transport protocols to the Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry.
- linux
- root privilege
target: ip address of the target host or its FQDN
ports: a single port number or a range in the syntax xx-xx
1024 is the max number of ports
--help prints this help screen and exit
--verbose display incoming/outgoing packets
--scan one or multiple scans: SYN | NULL | FIN | XMAS | ACK | UDP
dafault: all
--flags custom scan by setting the tcp flags header manually [syn, ack, rst, fin, psh, urg]
example: --flags syn ack
--source-ip source ip address to use
this options disables looking up an interface address
responses from target will come to this one
--source-port source port to use
default: random
--seq tcp header: sequence number
default: random
--ack-seq tcp header: acknowledgment number
default: 0
--speedup number of parallel threads to use
max: 255
default: number of threads == number of ports
--interface name of the interface to use
default: enp0s3
mandatory if this interface is not present/active
$ ft_nmap --scan SYN ACK scanme.nmap.org 80-90
Target Ip-Address:
Source Ip-Address: x.x.x.x
Using Interface: enp0s3
icmp_echo request sent..
icmp_echoreply echo.id=64936, icmp_seq=65
Host State: Up
No of Ports to scan: 11
No of threads: 11
Using known services database: database/services
Scans to be performed: SYN ACK
Scan took 0.015029 secs
IP address:
Open ports:
Port Service Name (if applicable) Results [Conclusion]
80 http SYN(Open) ACK(Unfiltered) [Open]
Closed/Filtered/Unfiltered ports:
Port Service Name (if applicable) Results [Conclusion]
81 hosts2-ns SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
82 xfer SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
83 mit-ml-dev SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
84 ctf SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
85 mit-ml-dev SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
86 mfcobol SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
87 priv-term-l SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
88 kerberos-sec SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
89 su-mit-tg SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
90 dnsix SYN(Closed) ACK(Unfiltered) [Closed]
- OS fingerprinting: Attempt to identify the operating system of the target host.
- Simplified Version detection: Attempts to Identify the versions of running services on some open ports.
- Configuration file for multiple host scanning