Measure angles using mpu6050 on Lolin (Wemos) D1 mini, esp8266
While there are many resources available on the internet for Arduino Uno development boards, I couldn't find any instructions for Wemos D1 mini. I myself struggled to get wemos d1 mini working with MPU6050, so I'm sure this tutorial will be helpful for some folks.
Connection is very straightforward:
Wemos D1 mini | MPU6050 |
3.3V | VCC |
D3 (pin 0) | SDA |
D4 (pin 2) | SCL |
Make sure to explicitly specify pins 0 (D3) and 2 (D4) to be used for I2C communication inside the code.
Overview of the code:
Setup function
- Setup I2C connection using Wire Library
- Start the timer
Loop function
- Calculate the elapsed time since last execution start of loop function
- Read raw accelerometer data from mpu6050
- Convert the raw accelerometer data to acceleration angles using Euler's formula
- Read raw gyroscope data from mpu6050
- Convert gyroscope data to degrees/seconds
- Calculate the total angle using data from gyroscope and accelerometer
Full tutorial may be found here