We have this setting here for SOPS:
sops.age.keyFile = "/home/n2o/.config/sops/age/keys.txt";
This means, before building the system, you need to put your AGE-SECRET-KEY there.
If an app just doesn't want to disappear from Launchpad, although you've installed and uninstalled it several times through Nix and whatnot, this command will definitely remove it:
sqlite3 $(find /private/var/folders \( -name com.apple.dock.launchpad -a -user $USER \) 2> /dev/null)/db/db "DELETE FROM apps WHERE title='APP_NAME_CASE_SENSITIVE';" && killall Dock
Use Homebrew to install GUI apps. This will save you hours of debugging why an app doesn't want to attach to the Dock and shit like that.
Excellent resource: https://github.com/dustinlyons/nixos-config