This website is intended to improve the leveling experience within destiny 2. It provides options to improve your light level as well as detailed information regarding bounty prep for new seasons.
This project is built using the following tech stack:
- Programming Language: TypeScript
- Web Framework: Next.js + React
- API:
- Authentication: Auth.js
- CSS Framework: TailwindCSS
- Host: Vercel
- Formatting: prettier
We are leveraging Vercel's serverless functions in order to control most of the logic of the website.
Due to the bungie API requiring HTTPS in order to authenticate you must run your dev server with
next dev --experimental-https
You also need to create your own .env.local in the root directory
To get these you must first go to and create a new app
Name the website what ever you would like and the set the OAuth client type to confidential
Set the redirect URL to https://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/bungie and the origin header to *
Also set the scope to be able to Read D2 info and move or equip gear
Once all of the above is done you should be able to make your .env.local like below
This should look something like below
# This can be generated using the command "openssl rand -base64 32"